~Crushes~ 32

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10 things you'll totally understand if you have a crush
[i found this online and since I want to update this book quickly, in going to just copy and paste some of it. So..this isn't by me.]


Heya. I haven't written in this for a while.

I thought I'd tell you 10 "side affects" that you'd get while liking someone.

1. Instant comparison

Raise your hand if you never have compared your crush to your ex. I should not see any hands up right now. Everyone has. It's normal, don't feel bad. We all compare our boyfriends and/or our crushes to our exes.

2. Stalker instinct

Do you like being a stalker? Because hah, I don't. But we also can't help that. With this you know your crush's I.G., S.C., Wattpad (possibly), F.B., Twitter, etc etc. You watch them at college/work/school all the time. You also spend more time watching them or "stalking" this person than thinking of a way to approach them.

3. Helpless imagination

You often get delusional about how it would be if you start dating that person. You don't like to regret (because that's exactly how it should be for all of us). So that's the brief moment when you gauge all the courage to talk to them.

4. But losing all chances of saying ANYTHING.

No seriously, you suddenly go the dumb way when they walk up to you or vice versa. You're unable to speak, forget asking them out. His/her aura is too intimidating for you to handle. And all that is left is - you blabbering and making a complete fool out of yourself.

5. It's nauseating.

By the end of each day, your anxiety kills you. "Will I ever get to talk to this person? What if she starts dating and I regret not talking to her all my life? Am I in love? Aaaahhh... " The part you're forgetting here is - that's a 'crush' you're talking about.

6. Panicking about accidentally entering a 'friend-zone'.

You keep yourself from doing things you don't want to with this person but that doesn't mean, you make them your friend. You try your best NOT to make that person your friend and if you do, a few months down the line, you wonder WITH them how it would've been if you guys had dated and THAT secretly pisses you off.

7. Over-confidence.

No matter how much you've stalked this person, if he/she messages you or shows any kind of interest in you, you act really confident, a little too confident, which may or may not be good for your future plans.

8. And so binge eating AND drinking becomes a habit.

You certainly forget how you need to stay fit to increase the possibility of getting a positive response from your crush. So the stress makes you eat, drink, cry, imagine and PASS OUT.

9. Over-excitement if they say 'yes' (for anything).

"Can I take you to dinner sometime?" A yes to this question drives you crazy.

10. Insomnia.

Waiting for her text. Waiting for her to come online on Facebook. "Does she like me, can she like me?"  Crushing on someone can be really harmful that way.


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