Watch you watch him

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My eyes wandered to your silhouette
Yours never wandered anywhere, but his
My heart raced
My cheeks burned
My skin glowed
All because you were standing, but 5 feet from me
Watching him
You looked like, what I believed, I did at that moment
That sparkle in your eyes
The upward curve of your lips as you watched him laugh
The love that radiated from your body
It was beautiful
I fell in love
But I wasn't in love with you
I was infatuated with the love that so easily poured out of you
No, I was more than infatuated
But I wasn't in love
It was more than that
It was something indescribable
This feeling that I can feel oozing out of me, it wasn't for you
It was for the feeling that you felt for him
He walks up to you and you walk away with him
Holding hands
I was more than in love with that feeling
And as you disappeared from my sight, my glow dimmed
My cheeks paled
My heart slowed
You were no longer close
I could no longer feel that feeling and I was sad all over again.

The inspiration for this poem will be put up next chapter

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