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I hate you!!
'No you don't'
You continually lure me in
You make me want to scream and cry
I hate you with all my heart
'No you don't'
You are hurting me
You are slowly killing me
I hate you
'No u don't'
Why do you do this??
Why do you make me feel so happy??
In the end,
You are the one that leaves
Why do you make me feel like this??
I freaking hate you!!
'No, you don't'
No, you're wrong
I do
I do hate you
I despise you
I wish you would fall into a black freaking hole
I hate you with every fiber, every atom in my being
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
Funny thing is
This hate was formed from one thing
It came from the feeling that I thought nothing could replace
The very hate that I speak of with acid
Was formed from what was once in my heart when I saw you

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This says it all

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