Game Over

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Life has no game over
No it doesn't
Life is not a game
It is known as something special
A life is precious
Every single breath means life
Every blink of an eye
Every little smile,
Or scowl that finds ones face
It is all a sign of life
Life has no game over
There is a simple reason for life not having a game over
Life isn't a game
If life was a game
Every game over would come with a restart
Every little good moment would come with a trophy
Every mistake would be fixed with a simple retry
I changed my mind
Life is a game
Its a very challenging one though
You only get one try
Some people get game over before others
Purposefully or accidentally everyone gets a game over
This particular game is very different though
This game doesn't come with a retry or restart
This is a very special game

Its comes with millions of challenges
Some make it through
Others get game over before they can face them
So yes, life is a game
Sometimes a short one
Other times a long one
You don't always get a trophy
Or award
So press the play button
And whatever you do
Don't get your very own
Game Over


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