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Am I your teachers pet?
Am I your favorite girl?
Am I the only one you picked up off the street?
Tell me Yes
Tell me yes, love!
Tell me i'm your one and only!
Tell me how i'm everything
Drip Drop goes the blood
That's what happens when u pick up glass
Pieces here, there, where?
Where did they come from?
Can't you see? Your reflection in each piece?
Each girl you've ever left shattered
Piece by piece they surround you
Keep picking them up
Cut your hands until you can't bear it
But don't stop
This is what happens to your favorite girls
To those who think you're their saviors, picking each one up
They sink
Just as snow they freeze and the unique snowflakes fall
All around your feet
Just as glass, they show the monster you are
So cut your hands until you can't bear it
Clean up your mayhem
But never stop
For this
This is your punishment


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