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Charles was 11 months old, developing amazingly and it was time for them to move to their new house.

FP managed to sell the trailer for a good price, to Ryder and Gladys of all people, they were doing well and were very happy raising their daughter together.

The whole trailer was packed, they were using most of their stuff that they had from the trailer since it was brand new still, but Alice decorated the new house and had all the rooms ready to go for when they moved in.

They were waiting for the moving truck to come get their stuff so they were just sitting on the floor with Charles.

Charles saw one of his toys that they left for him to play with in the mean time on the other side of the room, he got off of FPS lap and lifted himself up to a standing position.

"Al, Al do you think he's going to walk?" FP asked.

"Charlie baby, you going to walk for mama?" She cooed at the baby.

He started wobbling towards the toy and then dropped down to pick it up.

"He did it he's walking FP!"

"Come here baby come to dada."


"Yes baby come here." FP said as he put his hands out for the baby to come to.

Charles got back up and wobbled to FP and fell into his arms.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe he's walking, and in 3 weeks he is going to be one." Alice said crying.

"You alright babe?"

"Yes just emotional." She told him back.

He raised his eyebrows at her.

"It's normal okay my baby is growing up."

"You sure? You've been acting extra emotional the past few weeks."

"I'm not pregnant."

"How do you know?"

"I'd know, with Charles I knew, I felt it."

"Okay babe, whatever you say."

"If I am it's fine, we have a house, I just told you I didn't want to start trying until he was 1. But if I am it's your fault for insisting on not using condoms."

"Baby. I've told you so many times-"

"You hate them I'm aware. Sounds like the truck is here, is Fred meeting us at the house to help you out?"

"Yeah, you take Charles and the car over, I'll help these guys and ride over with them."

"Alright babe, let's go big boy to our new house!" She said as she peppered Charles in kisses.

Charles just laughed back.


"Yes baby, come on."

Alice hopped in the car after buckling Charles in.

"Do you want a baby sister or brother Charles?" Alice asked the baby.


"There's no baby yet. Daddy wants another baby really bad though."


"Sounds like you want a baby then buddy." Alice smiled at him.

He just smiled back at her.

"I think there might be one coming sooner than we thought. Your daddy is just crazy like that."

They got to the house and saw Fred waiting outside.

Alice unbuckled Charles from his seat and walked to the house and opened the door.

"Hey Fred."

"Hey guys, FP coming?"

"Yeah he's just coming with the movers, I'm going to put Charles in his play room so he can play for a bit then he needs to go down for a nap, I'll have to put him in his playpen in the meantime unless you and FP can get his stuff in first so he can just go straight in the crib."

"We can do that, everything alright?"

"Everything's great." She said to him.

He raised his eyebrows at her.


"Really Fred everything is fine."

He knew she was lying but he didn't want to push her so he just let it go.

Charles was playing and Alice was cleaning the kitchen and she heard the movers and FP pull up.

She walked outside and saw him and smiled.

"Hi baby." She smiled at FP and gave him a kiss.

"Hi love, where's Charles?"

"He's in the play room but he needs to go down for a nap soon and I need to run to the store to get some groceries, he has a bottle of milk in the fridge is there anyway you can put his stuff in his room first and put him down for a nap? Then you and Fred can put everything else where it needs to go?"

"Course babe you going to go now?"

She nodded.

"Alright see you later."

"See you Jonesy."

Alice hopped in the car and drove off to the grocery store, she really was going for a some pregnancy tests even though she didn't feel pregnant at all, she really just wanted to prove to FP that she wasn't pregnant but they needed groceries too.

She got all the groceries they needed and then went to buy a few tests. She took a few hours in the store just killing time because she couldn't do anything in the house until the furniture was brought in.

She got home and Charles was napping and the movers and Fred were gone, Alice carried the shopping in and FP saw her so he got up from the couch to help her.

They put the bags down on the counter and he helped her put the food away, and then he saw the pregnancy tests.

"Babe? Why do you have these?" He said smiling.

"I want to prove to you I'm not pregnant." She said rolling her eyes.

"Go on then, take it I'll put the stuff away."

She grabbed the test from him and went to the bathroom.

Five minutes later she walked out of the bathroom and handed FP the test.

"Here look I'm not pregnant." She said nonchalantly.

"Are you sure? I see the faintest line there babe."

"Stop trying to trick me, there's no line." She told him.

"Look! If you look super close you'll see it."

She grabbed the test from him and looked at it.

"I don't see it, I'll test again in a few weeks again to make sure."

"Alright. I think I hear Charles, I'll get him and feed him."

"Sounds good, I'm going to get to unpacking."

one more chapter left!

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