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Mornings were always the same, but this time FP and Alice woke up before Charles did. So they got up to have some breakfast before Charles woke up so they could enjoy their time together.

FP turned on the coffee maker and brewed a pot of coffee, and Alice made some bacon and eggs and they sat down together.

"This is nice." Alice said and smiled.

"That it is, I love our boy but I love just being able to sit and have breakfast with you." He leaned over to kiss her.

"I love kissing you." He told her.

"I love when you kiss me."

"So, our room is done besides needing to be decorated, so maybe while Freddie and I work on painting Charles room and building his furniture you can decorate our room?"

"Sounds great Jonesy."

They finished their breakfast and coffee and heard a knock at the door. FP ran to get it before the knocking woke Charles up.


"I figured I'd just come now, get a head start, lots to do."

"Thanks man. You eaten breakfast?"

"Yeah my mom made me some food. You want to start now?"

"Yeah Charles is still sleeping shockingly. Allie is going to finish putting our room together."

"Sounds good man."

They went to Charles room and started to paint. Alice got the blankets and pillows and went to make the bed in their room. She had some pictures to hang up as well so she did that and just as she was finishing up she heard Charles stirring.

She walked to the living room and picked him up and walked quickly to his room to grab the diapers and wipes just to keep out in the living room because she couldn't change him in his room because there was no room and it smelt like paint.

"Come on buddy, let's change you and get you fed."

She laid him down on the floor under his blanket and changed him then picked him up and sat on the couch and settled him to eat. He definitely was a Jones, he could eat for hours.

About 30 minutes later FP and Fred came out to check on her and Charles. He had just finished eating.

"Painting is done. Going to grab a drink then start building. It looks like his bed side table is built already, same with the rocking chair. The crib doesn't look to hard, and the dresser and changing table seem easy too. Shouldn't take us too long.

"Thank you FP, and Fred."

"No need to thank us Alice."

She just smiled at them. FP took Charles from her so she went to the kitchen to grab some drinks for them.

They drank their lemonade and the guys got back to building. Alice thought about what she could do in the trailer and she didn't really have much to do so she decided to go see Hermione and catch up with her.



"Do you know if Hermione is home?"

"Probably why?"

"There's nothing to do here, I thought I'd take Charles and go see her maybe at Pops."

"She should be home, call her."


She went to Charles room and got him some clothes and changed him, grabbed some baby food and his baby spoon, a bottle and called Hermione.


"Alice hey what's up?"

"Fred is here at the trailer, I don't know if Fred told you but I told FP about the baby and we live together now, anyways he's helping FP with some building and painting and there's nothing I can do so I wanted to know if you wanted to meet Charles and I at Pops?"

"Course! I will leave now."

"See you soon."

"Bye Alice."

"FP? I'm going to meet Hermione."

She put Charles in his car seat and grabbed the car keys from the table. FP walked out to say bye to them.

"Have fun baby!" He leaned down and pecked Charles on the forehead.

"You too babe, bring us back milkshakes?"

"Course Jonesy." She gave him a quick kiss. "See you later."

"Bye Allie."

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