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FP and Alice pulled up to the doctors office where Charles was going to have his 6 month checkup.

FP parked and hopped out and decided to just carry Charles in so he took him from his car seat and held him to his chest and grabbed Alices free hand and walked in.

FP sat down in the waiting room while Alice went to check in with the front desk.

"Hi my son has his 6 month appointment today. His name is Charles Jones." Alice said happily.

"Yes I see it here, the doctor will just be a minute."


She saw FP and Charles laughing to each other and still it made her heart warm.

"FP I'm a bit worried, he has to get a few shots today. I hate seeing him cry he's such a happy baby."

"You'll do good my strong boy won't you?" FP said to Charles.

He just grabbed FPS face in his hands and gave him a wet kiss.

"Love you too buddy." FP smiled at his son.

Just then the nurse called for Charles.


"That's you buddy, come on."

They walked into the room and FP sat in the chair and Alice held Charles in her lap on the bench.

"Hi Charles!" The nurse said.

"Wave hi buddy." Alice told him.

He shook his hand and the nurse laughed.

"You have a beautiful son." She told them.

"Thank you." FP spoke up.

"Alright so the Doctor will be right in but I just want to check his weight and height first so if we could get him undressed, but kept in his diaper and then lay him down on the table here so we can check his height." She asked Alice.

She took his clothes off and then laid him down on the table.

"Hold still Charles we gotta see how tall you are!" FP said to the baby.

He held his legs because he wouldn't stop wiggling and finally they got a height.

"Alright looks like he's about 26 inches long so perfect, we need to check his head circumference as well so let's do that."

She checked it pretty quick.

"About 19 inches. Right on par."

"Oh good." Alice said sounding relieved.

"Now if you could bring him over and we'll check his weight here on the scale."

Alice and FP were worried about this since he was a Jones and ate a lot, but they were hoping it wouldn't be too bad.

FP placed him down on the scale.

"He's 18.5 pounds, so a pound more than usual for 6 month olds but nothing to worry about."

FP picked him up and sat him back down on the bench and Alice took the seat where he was.

"What's his diet like?" The nurse asked.

"He's breastfed and we've started giving him baby food and some solids like avocado and banana," Alice told her. "He's been cluster feeding a lot lately though and I just let him, I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do or not but."

"You're doing great, if he wants to feed let him there's nothing wrong with it."

Alice nodded and sounded relieved that Charles was healthy.

The nurse asked a few more questions and then let them know the doctor would be right in.

Dr Patel came in the room and was ready to finish Charles appointment.

"Hi guys, hi Charlie!"

"Hey doc."

"So, Charles needs a few shots today but we'll do that at the end, first I want to check his motor skills, how he rolls over, inside his mouth if he has any teeth or if any are coming in, etc."

"Sounds good."

"Can he hold a bottle on his own?" He asked them.

"Yeah, usually I breastfeed but when FP gives him a bottle he for the most part does hold it on his own."

"Good good, now I wanna see those teeth mister."

"I think he has some coming in or maybe one I'm not sure because sometimes he bites me when he's feeding."

He nodded. "Alright Charles can you open your mouth?" Charles started laughing so the doctor could get a peak in his mouth.

"Yeah I see two coming, if you could just put him down I want to see how he rolls over, and then if he plays with his toes."

FP put him down and Charles rolled over, and then they laid him on his back and he was playing with his toes.

He checked for a few more things and was pleased with how Charles was developing.

"Well he looks fantastic, no complaints you guys are doing great, I'm just going to go get the shots and come back and do them then you'll be done here."

He got the shots and came back with a nurse.

"Okay just lay him down on his back here in front of me, and then we're going to do one in each leg for how and that's it."

Alice started crying because she knew Charles would cry.

"Okay on the count of three, one, two, three."

Him and the nurse put one shot in each leg and Charles started crying.

Alice picked him up and walked him over to the chair and pulled the blanket over and went to nurse him to hopefully make him feel better.

"I'm all done here so when you're done you can head out, we'll see you when he's 8 months."

"Thanks doctor." FP said.

"Shhhh shhh buddy it's okay you're okay." Alice said as she rubbed his back.

Charles fed and then they headed out of the office to go home so he could nap.

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