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"Charles should be getting up soon so we really should start packing." Alice said groaning because she didn't want to get up.

"Round 2? We do have over a year of catching up to do?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"As much as I would love that, I think I hear the Andrews' pulling in the driveway and we really need to start packing."

"Oh alright..."

Just then she heard Mrs. Andrews calling for her.

"Alice? Is FP here? What are you guys doing?"

She jumped out of bed and slipped on her t shirt and shorts quickly then ran in the hallway.

"He's here, Charles is taking a nap so we're just going some packing, we're moving in with FP."

"Really? I'm so happy for you guys but I'm going to miss you so much."

"You guys can babysit any time you want and I'll always be around for you to see him. I want to thank you and Mr Andrews for everything you've done for me, and thank you for giving FP a job."

"We knew FP would want to be there for Charles, he loves both of you, but go on get to packing. Just no funny business, you don't need another one right now."

Alice laughed and blushed "there won't be anymore babies for a while don't worry."

"Good, go on then, if Charles wakes just bring him to me after his change and feed."

"Will do, thanks Mrs. A."

Alice walked back to her room and saw FP with Charles on the bed just laughing with him.

She climbed on the bed next to FP and curled to his side.

"Hi baby, how was your nap? Are you hungry?"

"I changed his diaper when he got up but it seems like he needs to eat."

"Thank you Jonesy. When he's done eating Mrs. A is going to hang out with him so we can pack fast because we still have to go to the store."

"I can put the boxes together and start packing while you feed him babe? Get a head start?"

Alice nodded and took Charles from him so he could feed.

"Sounds good Jonesy, besides Charles' stuff what else do we need to buy for the trailer?" She asked.

"Groceries, kitchen supplies, a kitchen table, a couch, a chair, coffee table, tv, a bed..." he said sheepishly.

"So you have nothing in the trailer at all?"

"No I've been eating at Pops and sleeping on an air mattress..."

"Well hopefully the shop can deliver our stuff tomorrow, maybe we should sleep here tonight then, pack everything up now and then go to the shop to pick out our stuff, pay for it and then we can move in tomorrow?"

"That bed is more comfortable than an air mattress, oh why not."

Alice didn't say anything, just smiled at him.

Charles finished eating so she burped him then took him down to Mrs. Andrews to hang out with him.

"He's changed and just ate, we're going to pack and then go to the shop to buy everything we need for the trailer, but the stuff won't be delivered until tomorrow so we're going to spend one more night here if that's alright?"

Mrs A took Charles from Alice.

"Of course, do you want me to watch him while you guys go shopping? It'll be easier for you to pick everything you need and take your time if he's not with you."


Alice ran up the stairs and grabbed a box and walked over to the closet and started packing hers and Charles clothes that were hung up, as she put the clothes in the boxes FP put the hangers in another box.

"The clothes in the dresser is all packed away Allie, what else is there?" He asked her.

"Just the bathroom and the side tables here, Charles has some bottles and formula downstairs but we'll leave that until tomorrow just in case Mrs Andrews needs to feed him while we're gone I have some pumped milk I think in the freezer if not she can use formula."

"Why don't I take over here, you go pack up the things in the bathroom and in the side table drawers and Charles things he doesn't need for the night."

"Alright, here, Charles pyjamas for tonight and a few outfits for today and tomorrow in case he gets sick on them and we have to change them."

He grabbed them from her and tossed them on the bed. Before Alice went to pack up the bathroom and the drawers beside her bed she went to the back of the closet and pulled out a box.

"What's that?"

"Oh, just a box of stuff from high school, some photos and what not." She said smiling.

"Hm we'll maybe tonight we'll look to see what's in there? Relive our past?"

"Good idea but we really need to go so let's get a move on."

They finished packing pretty quickly then laid on the bed for a few minutes together.

"This is it, we're moving in together, as a family." FP said and smiled at Alice.

"We are, and I couldn't be more excited."

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