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FP woke up to the sound of Charles stirring awake in his crib, he figured he was hungry and in need of a change. He was about to get up when he heard Alice wake up and go to get him.

"Let me babe, I will change him, do you have any milk downstairs or do I make him some formula? I really want to feed him if I can."

"There's probably milk pumped downstairs, if Mrs. Andrews is down there get her to show you how to warm the milk, then come back up with the bottle, pass him to me I will just change him, I will need to pump if I'm not feeding him because I will get sore."

He walked over to Charles and handed him to Alice, than grabbed a diaper and the wipes and went downstairs to get Charles his bottle.

"Hi Freddie, Mrs. Andrews. Does Alice have any milk already pumped for the baby? I really want to feed him a bottle for the first time."

"She does, come with me I'll show you how to warm it up."

"Okay so here's the few packs of milk, she's written on them the date when she pumped, so grab the one from a few days ago and run it under hot water in the sink until it's thawed and then here's where Charles bottles are, pour the milk in and there's the bottle warmer, put the bottle in and it should warm it to the perfect temperature but make sure you always check it, so it doesn't burn his mouth."

"Thanks Mrs. A, I don't know how Alice did it, it's a lot to learn, but I hope I'll be a good dad for him. I swore that if I had a family I would never be like Sr. He has no idea where I've been or what I've been up to, doesn't give a shit about me. I want to be the best dad I can be." FP said as he got Charles bottle, he was hurrying because he figured Charles was hungry and Alice needed to pump.

"You already are an amazing dad FP."

"Thanks Freddie. Be back down soon."

He ran up the stairs because he heard Charles being a bit fussy.

"He good?" FP asked as he popped in the door.

"He's good, here sit next to me and then I'll hand him to you, you might have to lightly hold the bottle but he likes to hold onto it." She said smiling at him.

FP got all set up with Charles so Alice ran to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth then she came out with the pump that she stores under the bathroom sink, she got on the bed and set up the machine and started to pump.

"I like pumping sometimes because then other people get to feed him, it will be another way for you two to bond." She said smiling at FP and Charles.

"He really is the sweetest thing, just look at him Allie, we were really blessed."

"We were, besides him having my eye colour he looks just like you."

"You think so?"

"I know so, he's going to be the most handsome man when he grows up, just like his daddy."

"I love you baby, and I love you Allie."

"And we love you Jonesy, so much, look at him just looking at you. He loves you."

Charles finished his bottle and Alice finished pumping so they headed to the kitchen to give Charles a little bit of baby food and to put the pumped milk away and have breakfast of their own before they went to the trailer so their stuff could be delivered.

"Freddie?" FP called from the kitchen.

"Yeah FP?"

"Is there anyway you can drop by the trailer later and help me build the furniture?"

"Course man call me when to head over."

"Thanks Freddie."

"Okay his milk is labelled I'll just put it in this ice bag, let's just have some cereal and grab the rest of our stuff here and we have to go." Alice told FP.

FP fed Charles a bit of baby food then ran upstairs to get him dressed while Alice had some cereal and packed up all of Charles last minute things including the play pen and his high chair, his toys bottles and then brought the stuff to the bottom of the stairs so FP could put it all in the car.

"Fred? Where's your parents?" Alice asked.

"They went grocery shopping why?"

"FP is just loading the car we're heading out and we wanted to say bye and thank you. But maybe we'll pop by tonight. See you later Fred."

"Bye Alice."

They pulled up to the trailer and FP handed Alice her key to let her do the honours.

"Hand me Charles babe, you do the honours."

Alice unlocked the door and saw the trailer for the first time.

"This is our home, and it's perfect."

"You deserve more than a trailer but it's all I could afford right now but I promise you one day I will buy you a house that we can fill with babies." FP said smiling and then gave her a kiss.

"No trying for another baby until Charles is 1 or just over 1." Alice told him sternly.

FP brought Charles playpen and put it in the living room so he could play with his toys while they started unpacking the clothes that would go in the closets, and Alice put Charles milk in the freezer.

"This is it Allie, first day to the next chapter of our lives."

"Together, I love you."

"I love you baby."

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