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FP and Alice walked hand in hand into the furniture shop. They decided to just order the furniture today and then go to the other stores the next day after the furniture came to the trailer.

They went to the baby stuff first to get what they needed for Charles.

"Look FP! I know we're getting all the decor from a different shop but just look at this rug it will go perfectly with the theme!" She said happily.

"If it fits with the theme, grab it baby."

She grabbed the rug and put it in the cart, she also saw a dinosaur lamp that matched so she got that too.

"Allie, what do you think of this set? It comes with a nice crib, a dresser and a changing table with more drawers? It's a nice wood colour."

"I love it, write down the code and we'll get it!" She said excitedly.

"You really are happy and excited aren't you Allie?"

"I am, I didn't want to break up with you Jonesy, I love you, and I was worried that when you came back you wouldn't want me, and then Charles, I was scared to tell you because I thought you'd hate me for not telling you."

"I could never hate you babe, got everything for Charles room?"

"From this store yeah, let's look for our bedroom set and everything else we need and go back home to our boy, maybe we can take him to the park after dinner? I think you should try feeding him some baby food at dinner Jonesy."

"I'd love to babe."

"So tomorrow we'll go buy blankets and pillows and groceries and stuff from the store? Charles might need a few clothes too."

"Whatever we need Allie we'll buy okay? We're in this together and I promise I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. I love you."

"I love you more, do you like this bedroom set Allie?"

"I love it, you have an act for decorating Jones?"

"Nah I just think it's nice. Let's go pick a kitchen table and a couch and table and pay and get out of here I miss Charles."

"Your going soft, and I love it."

"I am, but it's because I love my family, don't tell anyone though nobody will ever let me live it down, especially the Serpents."

She patted him on the chest. "Okay, it'll be our little secret." She said and gave him a kiss.

They picked out everything they needed and went to the cash to pay and dropped the stuff off at the delivery area, and were told the things they bought would be dropped off sometime in the morning.

They headed back to the Andrews house just as it was dinner time and they walked in the house and saw Charles babbling in his high chair.

"Hi baby! Was he good for you guys?" Alice asked.

"Always good, good baby." She smiled.

"Has he eaten yet?"

"He had a bottle of some milk you pumped but he hasn't eaten food yet."

"We can do it Mrs Andrews, don't worry."

"Alright FP. Here's the food and the spoon."

FP sat in front of Charles and opened the baby food and started to feed him while Alice went in the kitchen to see what she could make them for dinner.

"You like that don't you you chunky monkey, it's yummy isn't it?" FP said to Charles.

Charles just clapped his little hands together and babbled away.

"FP?" Alice called for him.

"Yeah babe?"

"Pasta alright for dinner?"

"Whatever is easiest for you babe, I'll eat anything you make."

"Oh I bet you will. After Charles finishes eating let's take him up to have a bath and then I'll breast feed him since it helps him fall asleep, then we can have dinner and head to bed we have a big day tomorrow." She said and walked over to sit next to him at the table.

"Sounds great babe, he's almost done."

"I'll go up and get his bath ready when you guys are done just head up."

She walked up the stairs and got Charles bath ready in the tub, she sat on the edge and just started to think, her heart was so full and she was so happy her son had his father, FP was a great father already and she could tell they had a bond for life.

Just then he came in with Charles.

"You okay Allie?"

"I'm great honey, here I'll put him in and then you can wash him."

She got him undressed, luckily he didn't need a change and put him in the tub inside his little seat for the bath.

"Here's his cloth and his baby soap, just gently wash him up, he loves the bath so he shouldn't give you any fuss."

FP washed him up while Alice watched, when he was done he picked him up and Alice wrapped him in his towel and walked to the bedroom.

"FP just grab his lotion from the counter? And grab a new diaper and the wipes?"

"On it babe."

She laid Charles down on the bed on top of the towel and started to lotion him once FP handed her the lotion and the diaper. After she put lotion him she put his diaper on and put him in his pyjamas and sat at the head of the bed to feed him.

"He should fall asleep while he's feeding then we can put him into bed and go downstairs to eat, feeding him all the time makes me need to eat more."

Shortly after Charles fell asleep and Alice got up to put him in his bed.

"Good night my sweet boy, sweet dreams." She leaned down to give him a kiss and got out of the way so FP could say good night too.

"Night night my baby, see you in the morning." He gave him a kiss too and then they went downstairs to eat.

After they ate and cleaned up their mess they headed upstairs and got ready for bed then hopped in bed to go to sleep.

"So this is it, my last night here and tomorrow is the first day of the next chapter of our lives."

"I'm so happy Allie. Our son is perfect, you're perfect, I don't know what I did to deserve this."

"We love each other, we have a child together. You do deserve this FP, I know how terrible your life was and you know how terrible mine was, and I refuse to let our children go through what we went through."


"I mean yeah... I feel like one day I'd want more babies FP, not right now but in the near future."


"Why do you not want anymore?"

"Of course I do you're beautiful I want to make all the babies with you."

"Hold up, one or two more no more than that okay?"

"Alright with me babe. Night."

"Night Jonesy."

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