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Their stuff was delivered shortly after and FP decided he would wait a bit before calling Fred, he knew Alice could help him but he also knew that Charles might need her so he figured it'd just be best to ask Fred for help.


"Yeah baby?"

"Are you wanting to do any painting in here? Maybe we should do that before we put the stuff together that way we don't build the stuff then have to take it apart and put it back together?"

"I'd love to paint the trailer with you, the bedrooms only though."

"Why don't we go get some paint? And we can also buy everything else we need too? Before Charles has to take a nap? We can get Fred to help us paint as well and by tonight everything should be done for the most part?"

"Sounds good let me go get a bottle ready for Charles in case he's hungry while we're out, I'll change him and we can head out."

"I'll change him babe, just go get his bottle ready."

"Oh okay Jonesy."

Alice walked to the kitchen and grabbed Charles empty bottle from the diaper bag, rinsed it out and grabbed some pumped milk, ran it under the hot water and then poured it in the bottle and put it in the bottle warmer to warm up.

In the mean time FP was changing Charles diaper.

"Look at me buddy I'm getting better and better at this changing thing already aren't I?"

Charles just started giggling at FP.

"Come on buddy, let's go pick some paint for your room. What colours you thinking babe?"

"Light grey colour for us, and for Charles maybe a nice light blue or green, depends on what they have."

FP put Charles in his car seat and walked to the car, buckled him in and got into the drivers seat. Alice hopped in the car and they drove off to the shop.

Once they got there FP put Charles in the stroller and they first went to the paint section, then were going to get the blankets pillows and decor and kitchen supplies they needed as well as groceries.

"Okay so I actually like this colour for our room FP, and this one for Charles, it will look nice with the wood colour set you chose."

"So this nice grey for us, and this other tone of grey for Charles?"


"Great babe let's go."

They asked the worker to mix the paint and while he was mixing it FP went to get the brushes and the rollers and everything else they needed for painting.

"Let's go get the rest of Charles stuff for his room, then our room stuff and then everything else. Groceries last, we might need a second cart. If we do we can put Charles blanket here and he can sit in the cart."

"Allie, do you like this Dino set or this one?" He asked and showed her the two options.

"What do you think?" She questioned.

"I like the second one but it's up to you."

"I like the second one too. Let's get it."

FP put the bedroom set in the cart and then went to the queen size blankets."

"FP, I think this one would look nice with the paint we picked? I like these lamps too and this rug."

"Grab it Allie."

They put everything in the cart, went to the kitchen supplies and got their plates bowls cutlery cooking ware etc and then headed to the groceries.


"Yeah babe?" He said and looked up from Charles.

"I want to try to eat as healthy as possible, if that's okay?"

"Course babe, anything you make I'll eat, I'd really like to eat you though." He said in her ear.



"Stop, we're in the store with our son."

"Come on babe."

"I guess we need to christen our new home."

"You bet we do babe."

Just then Charles started getting fussy so Alice grabbed his bottle and gave it to him. She propped it up so he could drink from it.

They quickly grabbed the groceries and headed out to get started on getting their house in order.

"Looks like he's getting sleepy Allie."

"It's almost time for his nap, let's go pay for all of this and go home."

He grabbed his free hand in hers.

"Let's go."

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