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Alice decided it'd be nice to go to the Andrews to have dinner since when they moved out they didn't get to officially say bye to them. Fred said he was having Hermione over too so they decided to just have a bbq.

Alice really appreciate all the Andrews' help and support, they were always there for her as she was growing up since she never knew her dad and her mom was known as the Southside slut, she was especially grateful for them taking her under their wing while she was pregnant. She loved them more than her own parents, she hated to say but since she didn't know her dad and her mom was a deadbeat she figured it was alright. They didn't care that her and FP were from the wrong side of the tracks and never judged them. She knew that from the minute she found out she was pregnant she was going to keep the baby. It was her baby, no their baby that they made out of love, so she decided that she'd do no matter what, to provide for him.

"Do you think they are home Al?" FP questioned her as he was buckling Charles in his car seat.

"Yeah, I was talking with Fred he said that Hermione would be there too, they're starting the grill up soon."

FP buckled Charles in and made sure he was secure and then hopped in the truck and drove off to Freds.

When they arrived they parked and Alice went to get Charles from his seat and handed his bag to FP to bring inside. They walked through the back to the backyard and Hermione was the first one to spot them and ran over to the baby.

"Charlie my sweet baby how are you?"

"Good to see you too Hermione." FP laughed.

"Hi guys how are things?"

"Great great, seems this one needs a nap though, he had some milk at the park but I might just pop inside and feed him again and lay him down, be right back." Alice said.

"Need help babe?" FP questioned.

"No don't worry, go hang out with Fred." She smiled. "Say bye bye to daddy Charles."

"Bye buddy have a nice sleep."

Alice walked inside the house with Charles and saw Mrs Andrews in the kitchen making a salad.

"Hi Mrs A."

"Hi sweetie how are things going with you guys?"

"Good, really good actually, he needs to go down for a nap, do you have that second play pen anywhere?" Alice asked her.

"Yes I will run and grab it for you."

"Thank you."

While Mrs Andrews was getting the play pen Alice went to sit on the couch and started to feed Charles. She pulled a cover over and let him eat.

Mrs. Andrews came with the play pen and set it up for her before going back into the kitchen to finish the rest of the meal.

Charles ate for about 20 minutes and then started to drift off. She fixed her shirt and then realized he needed a change so she quickly changed him and laid him down in the play pen.

"Have a nice nap baby. I love you."

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