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"Let's go baby! Time to go get lunch and go see daddy!"

Alice picked up Charles from his play pen and grabbed his diaper bag that she packed and tossed it over her shoulder.

She opened the car door and made sure Charles was buckled in safely and drove off to Pops.

"Come on bud, let's get some lunch for daddy!"


"We're going to daddy now baby, just need to get some food from pop."

He grabbed Alices face in his hands and gave her a wet kiss on her lips.

"Love you baby."

Alice walked into Pops with Charles on her hip, and sat down at the counter ready to order for everyone.

"Alice, Charles hi!" Pop smiled.

"Hey pop, can you wave hi buddy?"

Charles waved his little hand.

"What can I get you today?" He asked.

"FP started work today with Mr Andrews and I want to take lunch to everyone, can I just get my usual, and then FP, Fred's and Mr Andrews as well?"

Pop nodded.

"Right on it."

"Thanks pop."

He made the food as fast as possible and helped Alice carry it out to the car because she had to carry Charles.

"Thank you so so much pop."

"No worries Alice, have a good day!"

"You too!"

The construction site wasn't far, but Alice wanted to call FP to let him know they were on the way first.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Just letting you know we're on the way, I'll need some help with the food when you get here."

"I'll be waiting outside the office and help you when you pull up."

"Thanks Jonesy."

"No worries baby love you."

"Love you too."

She pulled up to the construction site shortly after and saw FP walking towards them.

"Hi baby." She said as she hopped out of the car to give him a kiss.

"Hi Allie."

"How was your day so far?" She asked as she walked to open the door to get Charles out.

"Good, doing good, lots of work to do, I ate the food you packed me but I'm still hungry."

"Got lots of food there on the seat for everyone." She told him.

She grabbed Charles diaper bag and could feel that he needed a change so she put him down on the seat of the car and changed him quickly while FP got the food.

"Someone seems hungry too I'll give him a bottle inside then I'll eat after."

He nodded.

"Freddie! Mr A! Alice brought lunch!" FP called for the two men.

They walked out to the front of the office and all sat down.

FP opened all the bags and the three of them started eating while Alice pulled out Charles bottle and sat on the couch to feed him.

"I've only got a bottle here buddy, when we go home I'll give you some baby food then you can nap okay?"

The guys were pretty much done eating as soon as Charles finished his bottle and he was looking sleepy so Alice decided to just take him home and she would bring her food home so she could eat at home after Charles went down for a nap.

"FP?" Alice called for him.

"Yeah babe?"

"Charles is tired, I'm just going to take my food home and eat it there after I put him down."

"Alright babe, here I'll walk you guys out."

"Thanks for the lunch Alice!" Fred called.

"Thanks Alice!" Mr Andrews said.

"No worries guys see you."

FP grabbed Alices food and walked them to the car.

She put Charles in his seat and moved out of the way so FP could say bye to him.

"Bye bye buddy, see you in a few hours okay?" He said and leaned in to peck a kiss to his forehead.

"Dada bye bye." Charles responded and waved.

"Yes bye bye buddy! You're saying so much now I love you."

He shut the door and walked over to Alice to give her a hug and kiss.

"See you later babe."

"See you Jonesy love you."

"Love you more."

She smiled and pecked his lips and then drove off to go home.

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