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Alice woke up when she heard Charles stirring so she sat up to put him on the bed so she could change his diaper and feed him, when she was home she was breastfeeding because he was still not even 6 months yet, she'd pump when she was working and sometimes used formula.

She changed him then started to feed him, looking down at his sweet face and she couldn't help but want to cry again.

"Do you want to go see your Daddy sweet boy?" She asked him as she ran a finger down his chubby cheek.

"I think I should bring you, you deserve to have your daddy in your life if he wants to be, and if he doesn't hate me."

Alice really hoped FP wouldn't hate her, she knew he told her he loved her but she wasn't sure what was going to happen after this, she wanted to take things slow for the sake of Charles but at the same time she couldn't help dreaming about them being a family, living together and raising their son.

Charles finished eating and Alice saw she only had an hour to get ready and get out the door to walk down to the river.

She got up and put Charles in his crib so she could run and take a quick shower. After her shower she got dressed, put some light makeup on and fixed her hair, luckily Charles was playing happily with a toy. She got him dressed and packed his bag, grabbed a blanket so she could lay him on it by the river and headed off.

She arrived to the river about 10 minutes before 10am and wondered if FP would actually show up.

She laid the blanket out and then grabbed Charles from the stroller and sat down with him in her lap, just then she heard footsteps and saw FP approaching.

"Hey..." He said as he was scratching the back of his neck, what he does when he's nervous.

"Hey, sit. Let's talk."

"I see you brought the baby..."


"God no I just didn't think you were going to bring him."

"I figured I should. I know you might have stuff to say but let me start okay?"

He just nodded and let her speak.

"So first of all, he is yours. I'll explain why I didn't tell you in a minute, but don't interrupt me please. His name is Charles, I did give him your last name. Charles Jones. If I'm being honest with you you're the only person I've ever been with in that way so I promise you he's yours. I tried telling you, but every time I tried to talk to you you kept ignoring me because the Vixens we're more important, then I heard you were going to join the Army and I didn't want myself and baby to be in your way, because I knew you didn't want to be with me, or at least that's what it seemed like. I wanted you to do your deployment and find someone that you loved and that could make you happy, and have a family with them, not be tied down to someone who you didn't want to be with because of a child. I really am sorry FP and I regret not telling you, and you can be as involved as you want, I understand if you don't want to be in his life, or if you hate me. I understand completely. I've been saving money and am going to be looking for a place soon so I can get out of the Andrews' as soon as possible. I'm just really sorry, you don't have to ever forgive me but..."

He wanted her to stop rambling so he leaned in and looked her in the eyes, cupped her face and kissed her. The sparks were still there but Alice had to remind herself that this wasn't the right thing to do so she pulled away.


"Alice, I'm sorry I just missed kissing you... listen I want to be in Charles life, I figured he was mine so I talked to Mr Andrews and I'm going to take a job with him at the construction site, I'll buy stuff for him to have a room at my place, if you want to move in you can, as co-parents if you don't want to be with me that's fine I can accept that, I feel terrible about the way things went down and I wish I could take them back but I can't, I just hope one day you will forgive me."

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