{24}: Epilogue

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Five years ago Anoesjka gave birth to her baby boy, Young-ki. Four years ago, Jimin and I graduated college. Everyone attended our graduation, including Demi, Mila, Anoesjka and Young-ki. They all came. It was extremely heart-warming. Three days later, Demi gave birth to her second child... A little boy named Noah. Three years ago I gave birth to a little girl named Harley. Two years ago, Anoesjka gave birth, this time to a girl named Areum, it is a Korean name which means beautiful. Last year, I gave birth to twins; a boy and a girl. We called them Joon and Jada.

The boys are now all in a successful band, they tour a lot. Which means we don't get to spend as much time with them but we live.

I awoke this morning to find Harley jumping on my bed, on Jimin's side. I groaned before rising to my feet, realising that I needed to take her to daycare. I quickly changed my clothes and pulled my work clothes on before gently grabbing Harley and beginning to get her ready for daycare.

"Is auntie A and auntie Demi going to meet us at the door again?" She asked me as I got her ready. "Well, sweetpea... They'll be taking Young-ki and Mila to Kindergarten, and Demi will be taking Noah to daycare... So I think we'll see them, yes." I nodded with a smile before sitting her on the bed and picking the twins up. I picked up Joon first and began getting him ready before changing Jada. I then began heading downstairs with the three of them, taking it slow as Harley went down on her bottom.

I then walked into the kitchen and placed the twins in their high-chairs before preparing Harley's breakfast as I put the twins bottles of milk in front of them. I then set Harley's breakfast in front of her before grabbing a hairbrush and beginning to brush through my hair.

"Finished mama!" She called. I nodded and grabbed the bowl before washing it. I then began putting the twins into the double pushchair before grabbing Harley's backpack which had reins attached to it. I placed it on her back and placed her small packed lunch inside before grabbing the reins and looping them over the handle of the pushchair so she couldn't run away, I then began heading out of the house with the three little rascals.

Outside the gate stood Demi and Anoesjka with Young-ki and Mila on reins, and Noah and Areum in their pushchairs. I waved to them as Harley shouted their names, I then locked the door and began heading over to them. "Becky, you look shattered..." Demi pointed out as we began walking the street together. "Yeah, didn't get much sleep last night. This one was missing her daddy too much." I nodded down to Harley. "When do they get back from Korea, again?" I asked. "Uhm... Tomorrow, I think." Anoesjka replied. "Thank god." She added causing Demi and I to chuckle. "Yeah, kids are a handful..." I laughed slightly.

We soon arrived at the daycare where I hugged Harley goodbye as Demi hugged Noah goodbye. We watched as the teacher took them inside to play. "Once child down, one to go." Demi chuckled as we all continued on to the Kindergarten so they could drop their oldest children off. We got to the gates when Joon started crying, "Oh god, please no... You're gonna wake your sister." I mumbled as I threw my head back. I then grabbed the baby bag and gave him his pacifier which made him quiet down. Luckily, he hadn't waken Jada. I let out a sigh of relief as Demi and Anoesjka took Mila and Young-ki inside whilst I waited outside with Areum and the twins.

I stood with the pushchairs as I waited for Anoesjka to reappear, that was when I noticed someone standing by the gates, I could've sworn I recognised them but they were quite a distance away so I couldn't tell properly. They were staring over at me though, I shuffled my feet uncomfortably before seeing the girls approach me once again. A sigh of relief quickly escaped my lips as I looked back at the gates to see that the person was gone. I frowned as I stared over. Anoesjka and Demi soon made it to me and Anoesjka took her pushchair back as my eyes stay glued to the gate and a frown found it's way on to my face.

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