{10}: Locked Up.

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I opened my eyes to the sound of knocking before realising that it was dark outside, "Who the hell's knocking at this time of night?" I questioned myself before checking the time. It was currently 11pm. "Hello sir, is there a Rebecca here?" Someone asked. "Uh... Yeah." I heard my brother reply. "Becky, someone wants to talk to you!" My brother called. I frowned before rubbing my eyes and pulling on a hoodie, I then began heading down the stairs to see two police officers standing at the door, I recognised one immediately as Chloe's dad. I inhaled a deep breath as I walked over, "I've got this, oppa." I told my brother. "Hey." I smiled at the cops. "You Rebecca?" Chloe's dad asked me. "Yes." I nodded. "I'm officer Martin, this is officer Smith." One of them told me. "Rebecca, where were you around 4pm this evening?" He asked as people began gathering around in the street to see what was happening. I immediately saw Anoesjka and Demi standing among the crowd, "I was in Asbury Park." I replied. "What were you doing in the park?" Officer Smith asked. "I was jogging, I stopped in the park for a breather." I replied as my parents came over and asked my brother what was going on. "Was anyone with you on your jog?" Chloe's dad asked. "No." I replied. He then noticed my bruised and cut knuckles, "What happened here?" He asked as he lifted my hand as the boys were now gathering around behind Demi and Anoesjka. I noticed Jungkook and Yoongi sharing a worried look, "I got into a fight in the park." I mumbled. "What?!" I heard my parents exclaim from behind me. "Becky, what the hell?!" Anoesjka and Demi shouted. I glanced over at them both before looking back at my parents and brother, "With who?" Officer Smith asked. "Chloe Martin." I replied. "She's the one." Officer Martin said as he put away his notebook. "Rebecca, I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault." He told me as he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall before pulling my hands behind my back. "You have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I just read you?" He asked me as he snapped the handcuffs on my wrist. "Yes." I sighed as a couple of tears poured down my face. "BECKY!" Someone shouted. I glanced over to see Jimin and the boys, I smiled faintly at Jin as I was put into the car. 

"A police officers daughter, you're a brave one Rebecca." Smith said. "Yeah..." I mumbled as I glanced out of the window before feeling the car pull away and my friends disappearing into the distance. 


"What the hell was that all about?!" I yelled before seeing Yoongi and Jungkook share a look. "What happened?" Demi questioned suspiciously. "Something happened earlier." Yoongi began. "Dude, she swore us to secrecy!" Jin exclaimed. "We're not exactly sure how it all started but JK, Jin and I were walking through Asbury Park after school and we saw Becky laying into Chloe. I'm not just talking about one punch and she was down, Becky was leant to the floor with her and kept on punching. Jungkook had to pull her back." Yoongi explained. "And you neglected to tell us this because...?" Demi asked. "Because she swore us to secrecy, babe. She didn't want anyone finding out what had happened. We were trying to be good friends, Lord knows we haven't been for a while." Jungkook replied. "I'm gonna kill her, I'm gonna rip her lungs out." I spat. "Who?" Yoongi asked as he placed his arms around me. "That slut, Chloe!" I replied. "She was provoking Becky about the whole Jimin situation." Jin told us. "No wonder she flipped." Demi sighed. "Why the hell did you have to do this to her?!" I snapped at Jimin. "What? I..." He began. "If you hadn't have broken her fucking heart then Chloe would've had nothing to use against her and Becky wouldn't be getting hauled off in a police car right fucking now." I spat in anger. "You're lucky I didn't punch you two weeks ago but now knowing that your stupid dare spurred all this, god I wanna hit you so hard that no girl will ever wanna sleep with you again!" I yelled at Jimin. "Calm down baby." Yoongi said as his arms tightened around me. "I need to get Becky out." I said as I pulled out of Yoongi's arms and walked into my house to grab my car keys. 

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