{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.

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I was gonna smack a bitch, I swear to god. I headed towards Jimin and yanked Chloe away from him, Jimin opened his eyes at the loss of contact as I threw Chloe to the floor. "What the hell are you doing?" I snapped at the girl. "Anoesjka, calm down." I heard Jimin say. I immediately turned around and punched him as hard as I could around the face, "How could you do this to Becky?!" I snapped at him as he held his face. I went to punch him again but was pulled back, "Let me go!" I said as I fought against the person holding me back. I then glanced back and realised it was Yoongi. "Yoongi, let me go." I told him. "Anoesjka, Becky kissed Jin too, this wasn't all down to Jimin." He said. "Wait, what?" Jimin asked. "She kissed him?!" He questioned. "Yeah, he pushed her back and I think she instantly regretted it but yeah..." Yoongi replied. "But you're no fucking better!" I snapped at Jimin. "Kissing the girl... No, no, making out with the girl who got Becky arrested, how low can you stoop?" I asked in annoyance. He stared at Chloe, "Don't listen to her... You wanted it just as much as I did." She said. "Do you want a fucking punch?" I questioned her. "How delusional can you be, Jimin didn't want that, he wants Becky... You were just there when she wasn't." Demi said as she walked over. "Where's Jungkook?" I asked her. "He went to find Jin..." Demi shrugged. "Who in turn went to find Cinderella who ran away from the ball." Hoseok said before slapping Taehyung arm excitedly. "If Becky's Cinderella and she ran away from the ball then that makes Jin Prince Charming!" He exclaimed. "Becky isn't Cinderella, she isn't pretty enough." Someone said from the floor. I kicked my foot forward, making sure I kicked her in the stomach. I then turned from them all and pulled out of Yoongi's grip before leaving the hall to find Becky.

I soon found her, she was crying on the stairs of the school. Jin was hugging her. I slapped her around the head, "You're an idiot Becky..." I sighed. "I'll leave you guys to it." Jin soon said before kissing Becky's forehead. He then got up and began heading back towards the hall, "I know I was stupid for kissing Jin but Jimin and Chloe, having a makeout session right there? I mean that's just bad. I get that he'd want to move on but why with her? Why Chloe?" She asked me. "Because Jimin's an idiot." I sighed. "But that's the thing, he knew what he was doing." She said. "Listen hunny, I know it was difficult to see but you knew that someday Jimin was going to move on. You didn't want him back and he knew that, he knew he'd blown it so he kissed someone else. Did he make the wrong choice? Yes. Am I pardoning him for his deception? No. Is he a muppet? Yes. But one thing I know for sure is that the way he felt about you, the way he still feels about you, Becky that's all real." I explained to her. "How do you know?" She asked me. "Because I know that my boyfriend can't lie to me." I smiled at her. "When those boys told Demi and I about Jimin's feelings, we instantly knew it was for real." I added. "He loves you, Bex." I told her. She sighed and shook her head, opening her mouth to speak before we heard yelling coming from the hall.

We both glanced back before realising that it was Jin and Jimin, "LOOK, SHE KISSED ME! I DIDN'T KISS HER BACK!" Jin yelled. "AND YET YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Jimin screamed. "YOU WERE TOO BUSY SNOGGING THE FACE OFF OF THAT WHORE!" Jin yelled. "I HATE TO SAY THIS JIMIN, I REALLY DO BUT BECKY? SHE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT YOU HANDED HER!" That was Jin again. "I..." Jimin was finally at a loss for words. "I gotta go..." Becky soon mumbled. "What?! Where?" I questioned. "Home." She replied. "But Becky, it pouring down out there!" I exclaimed. "I don't care. I'll see you tomorrow, girl." She said before standing up and taking off down the stairs. She then pushed the door open and ran out into the rain, I watched her go before sighing and standing up. "Jimin, I should knock you into next week." I sighed as I walked back into the hall. Jimin was now with the boys at the other side of the room, he was upset and Jin was hugging him. I walked over and Yoongi immediately wrapped his arms around me, "Where's Becky?" Demi asked. Jungkook was now back in the hall, he was stood behind Demi and had his arms wrapped around her. "She left." I said with a deep sigh. "But it's pouring out there!" She exclaimed, "I know." I nodded. I then shook my head, "She was adamant to go, I couldn't stop her." I added. Jimin soon lifted his head, "I have to go." He said before handing Jin his car keys. "Bring my car back tonight." He said before jogging out of the hall before any of us even had time to process what was happening or where he was going.

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