{2}: The First Date.

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My eyes flickered open as my brother walked into my bedroom, "Get up!" He shouted. "You're gonna be late for school." He added. "Ugh..." I groaned sleepily before rolling over to grab my phone. I squinted at the sudden brightness before seeing the time, "Holy crap a doodles!" I groaned before throwing my duvet off of my body and throwing on the outfit that was nearest to me from the pile of newly washed laundry. It was a pink tracksuit set with white stripes, the top was a hooded crop jumper and the bottoms were a pair of tracksuit bottoms, I then pulled on a pair of Nike Air trainers before pulling a brush through my tangled hair, I let it fall naturally before pulling my bag onto my shoulder and sprinting down the stairs. "I'm going, bye!" I called out to my family; Not even giving my brother a chance to give me his daily hug and kiss on the cheek. I ran out of the front door and almost collided with the two figures who were walking up the garden path. "THERE YOU ARE!" One of them shouted gaining my attention. I turned my head to see that Anoesjka and Demi were the two figures I almost collided with, "We were just coming to knock on the door again, you're late up this morning Bec." Anoesjka put in. "Yeah, sorry." I mumbled. "Couldn't sleep much last night, was tossing and turning all night." I told them. "Because of Jimin?" Demi asked in confusion as we began heading towards her car. "No... Because of Chloe." I mumbled. "Why were you thinking about Chloe?" She questioned as we climbed in. Her and Anoesjka in the front and me in the back centre. "Well, I was thinking... She's really manipulative, what if she gets her freshly done claws into Jimin again? What if he goes back to her? It's stupid right?" I almost whispered. "Of course it's stupid!" Anoesjka blurted out. "You guys have liked each other for a while now and he finally comes out and says it. I mean, he's not gonna randomly go off with Chloe again." She added as Demi started the car up and instantly pulled out onto the road. "I guess." I mumbled as I leant back in my seat before turning my head to stare out of the window.

We soon arrived at school, just in time too; Thanks to Demi and her impeccable driving skills. We all walked down to the locker corridor where we saw BTS and talking to Jimin was none other than Chloe, "That sneaky bitch, I'm gonna go and give her a piece of my mind." Anoesjka said angrily and began heading over. I quickly caught her wrist and pulled her back, "Just leave it, we've gotta go over there anyways." I shrugged. "Becky, that bitch is flirting with your man." She spoke. "Yeah, and 'my man' looks like he's enjoying it." I sighed. "Stand your ground, Bex." Demi told me. I sighed and nodded as we headed over, Yoongi immediately pulled Anoesjka into a hug and Demi headed towards Jungkook; Giving him a good morning kiss as I unlocked and yanked my locker open as I listened to Chloe flirting with Jimin, incidentally Jimin wasn't flirting back. I accidentally let go of the locker door instantly making it swing open causing metal to clank against metal.

My eyes immediately widened as I realised that noise was gonna cause everyone to stare at me, Anoesjka and Demi's mouths fell open as Jungkook tried to suppress his laughter. I stared into my locker and stood still, waiting for everyone else to avert their eyes. I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, "Hey baby." He smiled. This displeased Chloe, "Hey." I replied, instantly relaxing in his arms. "So... I have an idea." He said as he kissed the top of my head. I grabbed my books from my locker and turned to him causing his hands to drop to my waist and for him to kiss my forehead, "What idea would that be?" I asked. "He's gonna do it." Demi whispered excitedly to Anoesjka. I furrowed my brows slightly before turning my attention back to Jimin, "I want to take you on a date." He smiled. "Like... A first date." He added. I bit my lip trying to hide my smile as I stared up at him, "So, what do you say?" He asked. "I'd love to go on a date with you." I replied. He rested his forehead against mine and let a huge grin spread across his face, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chloe spat in anger. "Oh sorry Chloe, we forgot you were still here... Ya know, cause you're not really that important." I spoke sassily. She glared at me evilly as the others laughed slightly, I raised one of my eyebrows at her as the first bell rang, this caused the usual routine, Jungkook and Demi making out by the lockers, Anoesjka and Yoongi having one last hug and Jimin kissing my forehead. "Meet us at lunch." He smiled. "I will." I replied as the second bell rang meaning it was time to depart. As soon as he walked away, Chloe approached me; Making sure the others were distracted before she spoke, "This won't last, I'm gonna make your life a living hell." She whispered down my ear before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away. I watched her go before turning my head back to the others as I leant back against my locker. Jungkook and Demi finally let go of one another and Yoongi and Anoesjka pulled out of their 'best friend' hug as they rejoined the boys and the girls headed over to me, "You okay sweetie?" Demi asked. "Huh?" I questioned as I came out of my daze. "Bex, you looked like you were in a world of your own, what's wrong?" Anoesjka asked worriedly. "Nothing, just daydreaming." I shrugged. I couldn't tell them about Chloe's threat, how do you even bring that up in conversation. "Let's head to class then." Demi said with a smile as we all began walking down the corridor together. Chloe's words were still spinning in my head as we stopped at Anoesjka's and Demi's classroom, "See you guys at lunch." I said as they walked in. I then hugged my books to my chest and continued down the, now empty, corridor.

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