{15}: Going Home.

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I opened my eyes the next morning seeing I was still at Namjoon's house and everyone else was still asleep, today was the day I had to go home. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before scribbling a note to the others:

Morning guys! I'll catch up with you all later, I need to head home and grab some more money and clothes. I'll let you know what happens.

Becky x

I placed the note on the table and pulled on my shoes, I then headed out of the house and began walking home. It wasn't a long walk, luckily Namjoon didn't live far from my street. I walked slowly though, taking in the views, it was a beautiful day to say we were in November. I shook off my feelings as I reached my house and saw my uncle's car parked in the driveway. I sighed slightly; knowing that this meant my aunt and uncle from Korea were here, I began walking over and pushing the door open, I closed it behind me and headed straight up the stairs to change. I pulled a brush through my hair before letting it fall naturally and changing my clothes; A crop top, a pair of blue skinny jeans with ripped knees, a pair of black wedged high-top trainers and a denim jacket before spraying myself with deodorant to hide the bonfire smell. I then redid my makeup before heading down the stairs where I heard happy chatter coming from the living room. I slowly walked over and stood in the doorway, "Ah Rebecca, there you are!" My mother said. "Hi mom." I said before seeing my aunt and uncle turn their heads. "Rebecca!" My aunt almost squealed. She then ran over and hugged me tight before my uncle came over and joined. They were like my second parents, they loved me like I was their own daughter. "Hey aunt Mel, Uncle Lou." I smiled as I hugged them tight. "Your mom tells us that you've been having a hard time here." My aunt began. "Did she now?" I asked to which my uncle nodded. He was my mom's older brother, "You have Rebecca, everything with that Jimin boy, then leaving and not coming home for over two weeks..." My mom sighed. "Well maybe I wouldn't have done that if..." I began but stopped myself and sighed as my father gave me a stern look. "So... I've asked Mel and Lou to look after you." My mom added. "They're moving here?" I questioned. "No..." My mom replied as she stared at me before dropping a duffel bag by my feet. "You are." She added. "What? Where to?" I asked. When I didn't get a reply it hit me, "No, No, NO!" I yelled. "Told you she wouldn't take it well." My brother replied. "I am NOT moving back to Korea! I have friends here!" I yelled at my mom. "You are moving Rebecca, and you're going with them today." She replied. "What?! No! Today? Don't I have a say in the matter?!" I asked, close to tears. "No." My father said. I stared around at all of them, tears welling up in my eyes as I turned on my heel and began running back upstairs to my bedroom.

I slammed my door shut and sat on my bed, when glancing around I realised that most of my things had been packed up already. I grabbed my phone and glanced down at the time, none of the others would be awake yet. I placed my hand over my mouth as I let the tears fall. Why was this happening to me? Why was I being shipped off back to Korea? I squeezed my eyes shut tight hoping that when I reopened them that it'd all be a dream but that wasn't the case.

Someone soon knocked on my bedroom door, "Hey hunny." My uncle said as he pushed the door open and leant against the door frame. "Don't take me away, please..." I pleaded. "We have to sweetheart, I'm sorry. Your mom can't cope with you anymore so you're gonna be put into our care until you're twenty one." He told me. "Twenty one? But that's two years, please Louis..." I begged. "I'm sorry darling, it's your mom's choice. We leave in an hour." He told me before leaving and closing the door behind him. I rolled onto my side and pulled my knees up to my chest as I continued crying. I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

I soon rose to my feet and headed towards my desk, I sat on the stool and stared into the mirror as I wiped away my tears and began reapplying my mascara as I stared down at the photographs on my desk; There was one of Demi and I, one of Anoesjka and I, one of all three of us, one of us with the boys, one of Jimin and I when we were dating, one of Jimin and I from when we were kids. I quickly gathered them all up before heading down the stairs and handing them to my uncle, "They need to go in the bag." I mumbled. He nodded and began packing them away as I grabbed my phone and headed back up the stairs, I placed my phone on charge before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, I then began writing a letter.

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