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Nothing new? How wrong was I! Its been around a year since I returned back to this job... And Sana is completely different, she's like a real tease lately... What's wrong with her?

-Sana: Y/N-ah, you don't look great today...
-Y/N: Oh really? Maybe it's because-
-Sana: Anyways, I don't want to listen, it's just that you just have to come with me all the day, make sure you look good because if not you'll embarrass me... (sighs)
-Y/N: (mumbling) And you are the one sighing? Tch.
-Sana: What did you say?
-Y/N: Nothing, just that you are right, I have to look good for you... I mean, to walk around with you and don't embarrass you... (fake smiles)
-Sana: (smiles) I'm always right... Now let's go, I have an important meeting, right?
-Y/N: Yeah, if I'm not wrong is with that big company where there's your fiancé...
-Sana: Are you serious?
-Y/N: I totally am, why would I lie to you, miss?
-Sana: Turn back.
-Y/N: What?
-Sana: Return, what can't you understand about that?
-Y/N: But you have to attend the meeting, what's gonna happen if you don't show up there?
-Sana: You don't need to care about that stuff, that's my problem, you are here just to obey me, and I'm telling you to return! (angry)
-Y/N: As you wish, miss...

Damn, this girl is so stubborn, this company will dissappear soon because her CEO doesn't want to accomplish the rules, I have never seen something like this

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Damn, this girl is so stubborn, this company will dissappear soon because her CEO doesn't want to accomplish the rules, I have never seen something like this.

-Y/N: Where do you need to go then, miss?
-Sana: You can smile, you know?
-Y/N: What do you mean?
-Sana: You are always so serious around me, but I noticed that when you are with the rest of the workers you are really nice...
-Y/N: Uh, that's because... Uhm...
-Sana: Because of what?
-Y/N: Does it really matters, miss?
-Sana: It does, everything depends on that!
-Y/N: What do you mean by everything? (confused)
-Sana: How do you dare to make me say something like this? (pissed) Tch, you don't understand me... You never do, and when we are at home you are always serious...
-Y/N: I'm your secretary, while I do my job it's the best to maintain the composure, and be focus and serious. That way, I won't make any mistake.
-Sana: You already did one today... (rolls her eyes)
-Y/N: I apologize, I don't know where I failed, but it was my fault...
-Sana: Aren't you even going to argue with me?
-Y/N: Miss, I'm just your secretary, why would I?
-Sana: I hate you...
-Y/N: Same feeling...
-Sana: What?!
-Y/N: What?
-Sana: What did you say?
-Y/N: I like you... (lying)
-Sana: W-What are you saying so suddenly?! (smacks my arm)
-Y/N: Excuse me, I'm driving, we could have an accident if you keep on acting like this...
-Sana: You just said you liked me!
-Y/N: It was so I didn't have to argue with you, miss. Plus, if it was true, it wouldn't matter since you have a fiancé...
-Sana: It's because of this kind of stuff that I doubt sometimes about us...
-Y/N: Why would you doubt about us? Just as the rest of your family and mine, we maintain a servant-boss relationship... There's nothing to doubt, miss.
-Sana: You are the worst...
-Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not as good looking as your fiancé...
-Sana: Don't mention him! (pissed)
-Y/N: I'm sorry miss, where do you want to go?
-Sana: Back at home.
-Y/N: It's still soon, we should go back to the company and do some paper work, this morning the was a huge amount on your desk-
-Sana: I said home, don't make me get angrier...
-Y/N: As you wish, miss...
-Sana: Stop with that "miss" thing... (sighs)

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