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I wake sooner than I use to, and I head downstairs once I'm done with my morning washing routine... Once I arrive I see Y/N's back, his probably preparing breakfast for me... It smells really good...

Damn, he turned around! Why is he looking at me

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Damn, he turned around! Why is he looking at me... Y/N stop idiot! What are you doing?!

-Y/N: You woke up soon today-
-Sana: (nervous) Good night! (runs away)

I return back to my room, what the hell was that? I was suddenly really nervous... What's with this? My heartbeat is really fast again...

Ugh, I don't understand myself... Why am I reacting like that with Y/N? He's my best friend, well and the only one that I have... This is not a normal reaction, that's a fact.

-Someone: (knocks the door)
-Sana: Who is it?
-Someone: It's Y/N, I'm bringing you the breakfast, miss... Can you open me?
-Sana: Yeah... (nervous)

Damn, keep calm Sana, you can do this, he's Y/N, he's not a stranger... Don't be nervous, and act casual...

-Sana: (opens the door) Hi~
-Y/N: Why did you run before? Breakfast was almost done, miss...
-Sana: I had an emergency... (chuckles)
-Y/N: Are you having problems with your stomach, I'll look for some-
-Sana: It's not that stupid! (nervous)
-Y/N: Oh, okay... Then I'll be doing some chores, call me if you need something...
-Sana: Yeah, yeah... Go ahead! (smiles)

Y/N'S POV How weird, she's actually allowing me to do my job without any problem

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How weird, she's actually allowing me to do my job without any problem... She would probably ask me to stay with her... But she's not...

Anyways, I'll continue with my chores, I have to take this opportunity to do a great job!

-Time skip a week later-

Okay, now I'm starting to worry... Sana is really weird, I guess that she's too affected because of that fiance thing...

She's been following the whole week but she didn't bother me not even once... And she didn't tell me to stay when I had to leave for college...

Something is definitely wrong with her... But what? What can I do for her? Should I offer myself to be someone to talk with? Maybe it's girls' stuff and I'm not able to do so...

-Sana: You are doing a great job Y/N, keep it up (smiles)
-Y/N: Yeah...

See? She's not like that, she's a pain in the ass... She's too lazy to head outside her room when it's not necessary... Why is she following me everywhere I go? Maybe I should ask Jin about this, he always gives me good advices...

SANA'S POVI've been following Y/N the whole week

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I've been following Y/N the whole week... Just yo check something, I want to know the reason why my heartbeat increases when I'm near of him...

Apparently, he doesn't do anything special apart from doing he's chores and assisting me... It's weird, right? I don't understand anything...

-Soemone: (taos my shoulder)
-Sana: (turns around) Mom?
-Mom: Follow me to my office, we need to talk...
-Sana: Okay... (sighs)

What's wrong? Y/N didn't tell me about having schedules today... Anyways, let's finish this quick...

-Sana: What happens?
-Mom: That's my question... Why are you following Y/N everywhere?
-Sana: Huh? I am not following him- I'm checking something... (looks down)
-Mom: Checking what? He's doing perfectly his job... (expecting)
-Sana: It's not about his job... It's about me...
-Mom: About you? (smirks)
-Sana: The other day, Y/N... He... He hugged me! (embarrassed)
-Mom: Oh, he hugged you, what a problem... Should we fire him? (sarcastic)
-Sana: Of course not!
-Mom: Then?
-Sana: He... He makes me feel weird since then... At that moment I liked the hug! (sighs)
-Mom: Oh~ (smirks)
-Sana: W-What? I'm just looking the reason...
-Mom: Haven't you think that maybe you are the one who has that answer? (smiles)
-Sana: What do you mean? (confused)
-Mom: Isn't it probably that you are starting to like Y/N? (smirks)
-Sana: (blushes) Me... Liking Y/N? (embarrassed) That's not possible, we are best friends... How would our friendship keep on going? It's not happening, definitely not... (sighs)
-Mom: You know, if you like him, you could have something more than a friendship and have as much hugs as you want from him... Doesn't it sound nice? (smiles) After all, what's better than a boyfriend who's like your friend? It would always be really nice...
-Sana: why are you telling me so? I thought that you also knew about the arrangement...
-Mom: And I do, but I'm against it. I want you to be with the one that you like, and if it's Y/N I'm even happy, because I don't trust anyone but him to be with you... (smiles)
-Sana: Then, you called me here to...
-Mom: To tell you to do whatever your heart orders...
-Sana: But I don't even know if it's true that I like him...
-Mom: You don't know what is love? Then you'll need to try, and discover it by yourself... But be careful, Y/N may have some other girls behind him... (smirks) You know, when it comes to love it doesn't matter who's the rich or the poor, it's the heart the one who rules (winks)
-Sana: You... You are making me a mess! Now I'm even more confused! (leaves)

Ugh, what should I do? Dad really wants me to get married with that weird guy who I don't know, while mom is supporting me with this Y/N thing... What should I do?

-Y/N: Which "Y/N thing"?
-Sana: (screams)
-Y/N: Hey don't scream, it's me...
-Sana: You surprised me idiot... (sighs)
-Y/N: So what's thing about me?
-Sana: About you?
-Y/N: Yeah, you said my name while talking out loud...
-Sana: Damn, it was out loud? (embarrassed) Don't care about it, okay? (smiles)

 -Sana: Damn, it was out loud? (embarrassed) Don't care about it, okay? (smiles)

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-Y/N: Okay... You are so weird lately, you know?
-Sana: Yeah well, since now on there'll be some changes... I need to discover something...
-Y/N: I see... Well, I'll keep with my job, I'll see you later, miss...
-Sana: Yeah, bye... (giggles awkwardly)

Damn, I need to decide what to do soon or else... I'll get in trouble.

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