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I walk to the kitchen and prepare a sandwich with extra of cheese, yeah, she's just like that... In my opinion, a little racoon...
-Sana: Y/N-ah! I'm hungry!
-Y/N: I'm coming, miss...

I head towards her room, where she seems to be just... Being lazy as always? I still can't believe that she's going to be the heir of their family... I mean, their company is going to dissappear because, look at her, she doesn't move for anything!

-Y/N: Here you have miss...
-Sana: Aren't you going to say that you hope I like it?
-Y/N: Should I?
-Sana: You totally should (giggles)

 -Sana: Aren't you going to say that you hope I like it? -Y/N: Should I? -Sana: You totally should (giggles)

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-Y/N: Then, I hope you like it, miss. Now if you excuse me, I gotta go and prepare some more stuff for your next week meeting...
-Sana: You are no fun Y/N, you always leave me alone~ (pouts)
-Y/N: Miss, differently from you, I still have work to do, I can't afford to be a lazy ass like y- I mean, I gotta go... Enjoy your sandwich...
-Sana: Ah, you always break your promise... (sighs and bites the sandwich) Hmm, it's tasty! (giggles)
-Y/N: Which promise did I break, miss?
-Sana: You once said "I'll always be with you", and look at you now...
-Y/N: When did I say so? (confused)
-Sana: It was a long time ago... (smiles)


-Mom: Y/N, today your life is going to change... (caress my hair)
-Y/N: Did you buy me a new toy? (smiles)
-Mom: It's not about toys dear, just... Follow me, you'll understand later, okay? (smiles)
-Y/N: Okay... (smiles)

I follow mom to the main mansion, 8 have never been there since mommy and Jin-hyung always told me not to go. If I didn't understand wrong, there is where they work...

Mom guides me to a big room, and she tells me to wait for her to come back, I nod but soon I get bored so I start investing the new place...

Soon I hear a voice from a girl, and I just follow it until another room where there are a little girl and a serious man, he even looks scary...

-Girl: Daddy, daddy! Look, I made this cookies for you... (smiles)
-Man: I don't have time for this.
-Girl: But dad, I made them by myself, handmade cookies! (smiles)
-Man: (throws the cookies to the ground) I'm talking with someone important! Can't you see that?! Tch... (leaves the room)

Afterwards, the little girl starts crying, and as the scary man left, I decide to approach her...

-Y/N: Hi, are you okay?
-Girl: (crying) Who are you?
-Y/N: My name is Kim Y/N, who are you?
-Girl: Sana, Minatozaki Sana... (sobs) Why are you here? I've never seen you before...
-Y/N: I know, mommy brought me here today... By the way, can I eat one of those? (points to the cookies)
-Sana: But they are at the ground, and they got broken too... (sobs)
-Y/N: So? Cookies are still cookies, and I also heard that you made it, so I think that your effort deserves someone eating them, I hope you don't care if I eat them... (smiles)
-Sana: Thanks... (sobs and smiles)
-Y/N: Well, I have to go, my mom is going to get angry if she discovers that I left (giggles)
-Sana: Am I going to see you again?
-Y/N: Maybe? We are friends now (smiles)
-Sana: Friends... (smiles)
-Y/N: Yeah, somehow... I'll always be with you, so we'll see again for sure! (chuckles)


-Sana: And that's how I first met you (smiles) it was really nice, you ate those cookies even when they touched the ground and were broken... Not everyone would have done the same thing... (giggles)
-Y/N: And that day, is when they told me that I would serve you from then on... (srughs)
-Sana: Yeah, you changed from friend mode to secretary one... (sighs) That's not fun...
-Y/N: I'm just doing my job, miss... By the way, your mother wanted to talk with you, so please head to her office as soon as possible...

-Sana: Ugh, fine

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-Sana: Ugh, fine... (rolls her eyes)

Y/N leaves the room and I start heading to my mother's office... What does she need now? I just ate my sandwich and I'm not in condition to think about anything...

-Sana: Have you called me?
-Mom: Yeah, and Hana, you can leave... (smiles) I'm just going to have a talk with my daughter...
-Hana: As you wish miss, and Miss. Sana, do you know where's my son? (smiles)
-Sana: Oh, Y/N, he's preparing everything for my meeting next week... (smiles) The truth is that I would be lost without him...
-Mom: Sana? (smirks)
-Sana: You'll find him probably at my office... (smiles)
-Hana: Thanks, I just want to tell him that everything is ready for university... (smiles)
-Sana: University? (confused)
-Hana: He wants to study, and Mr. Minatozaki accepted his petition (smiles) Now if you excuse me... (leaves)
-Sana: What's that thing of going to the university? I thought that we could make teachers come here?
-Mom: Sana dear, he decided to go there... It's his decision, but I didn't call you for that reason... (smiles)
-Sana: What is it? I wouldn't like to loose too much time...
-Mom: I just want you to be strong Sana, something heavy is coming to your life...
-Sana: Like what?
-Mom: You'll find out soon, and by the way, Sana you need to stop being so Y/N dependable...
-Sana: Why? (confused)
-Mom: We won't be with you always...
-Sana: I don't understand, he said that he would... Why so many changes so suddenly?!
-Mom: Your dad, he's a business man, and all of you are not kids anymore... Sana, do your job as the heir, okay?
-Sana: I'll... Try my best... (sighs and leaves)

What's all of this so suddenly? Why so many changes? I don't understand anything...

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