Jennifer:Alright bet so, we would live in a blue house with a light peachy yellow inside, we'd have 3 adopted kids-


Jennifer:-Zero kids-

Billie:-Alright 3

Jennifer:-3 kids. You would be the cool parent that let them do whatever the fuck they wanted, i would be the slightly less cool parent that actually worried about small shit. We'd do homeschooling.

She laughed and i smiled.

Jennifer:Because i know how much you hate normal school.

I continued after i felt Billie nod her head.

Jennifer:We'd go to parks and shit,we'd have burrito Wednesdays and horror movie days since you love that shit.

She laughed because she knew that i was right.

Jennifer:Music would be very present in our household, i imagine Finneas and Claudia always being over.

I said laughing since i could picture it vividly.

Jennifer:We'd be those grossly cute parents that are always kissing in-front of their kids as they roll their eyes. We would have fire ass matching family outfits. We would go for family rides and you would probably speed,i would yell at you for setting a bad example for the kids and we would always make sure our kids knew that we were there for them.

I looked over my shoulder at Billie since she was awfully quiet and saw her eyes look really glossy and teary. I frowned , taking her face into my hands as a tear of hers fell on my palm.

Jennifer:Whats wrong?

She smiled through her tears.

Billie:Nothing's wrong, they're happy tears.

I nodded my head as a smile crept onto my face. I turned back around and Billie wrapped her arms around me once again, but this time a little bit tighter.

We laid there together. We spent the rest of the day together at the park. We laid around on the picnic tablecloth together and ate, listened to music- all that good shit.

Way sooner than I would've liked we had to leave the park. We got back in Billie's car. She was driving with faint french music playing in the background.

Billie:Can i stay over tonight?

She asked as we got to my apartment. I smiled.

Jennifer:Billie, you know you don't have to ask me, you can just stay over.

Billie:I know, but like you don't live alone so i don't wanna both you guys or some shit.

I rolled my eyes.

Jennifer:The girls love you and they said themselves that its ok with them if you stay over whenever.

Billie nodded her head and we stepped out of the car. She grabbed my hand as we walked up to my floor. When we got to my apartment i opened the door with my key, stepping inside with Billie.

I saw a guy walk out of Yuliet's room. She was with him, she saw me and Billie standing there. Yuliet looked kind of awkward. They said their goodbyes and he walked past us, smiling at us on his way to the exit.

I looked at Yuliet, confused as to why I didn't know who that guy was. She walked towards us.


She said awkwardly.

Billie:Im heading to your room.

She kissed my cheek and went to my room, closing the door to give me and Yuliet some privacy. I walked over with her to the couch.

Jennifer:Who was that?

I asked in a curious tone.

Yuliet:Thats my friend Chris.

Jennifer:"Friend"? Yeah sure, whats up?

I asked leaning back on the couch . She sighed, sitting criss cross and pulling on her hoodie a little.

Yuliet:I kind of like him but i don't know what to do.

Jennifer:What do you mean you don't know what to do?

Yuliet:Ive never been in a relationship so I don't even know where to start.

Jennifer:Start by telling him how you feel.

Yuliet:I don't know....what if it goes somewhere and he hurts me? I dont wanna get hurt Jennifer.

She frowned looking down. I put my hand on her thigh giving her a reassuring smile.

Jennifer:Thats a chance you're going to have to decide if you want to take.

She nodded and got up. Running to the door, my head snapped to the door.

Jennifer:Where you going?

Yuliet:To take a chance.

She said running out of the apartment, closing the door after herself.

I smiled to myself. I've never seen Yuliet have a crush on anybody so im happy that shes doing this.

I got up from the couch, walking to my room. As i passed Yulianna's room, i saw her asleep on her bed. She wasn't covered with a blanket and i know she gets cold at night so i draped a blanket over her body and kissed her forehead.

I walked out of her room and went to mine.

Authors note: i should really be doing my homework rn, but instead im on wattpad🤦🏻‍♀️i can already see my gpa dropping.

Ps:I DO NOT WRITE SMUT!!! Billie's a minor and im not about to do that shit, so you guys can stop messaging me about writing smut and shit.


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