99:Wedding day pt.1

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I woke up with a cheesy ass smile on my face. I grabbed my phone since it was ringing. I looked at the screen and smiled as i saw a picture of Billie displayed across my phone screen.

I rushed to answer the call.

Billie:Good morning mamas.

Jennifer:Good morning baby.

Billie:You ready for today?

I smiled and nodded my head even though she couldn't see me since it was over a call..

Jennifer:A hundred percent, you?

Billie:Of course i am.

I heard Patrick speaking incoherently in the background. Billie hummed and then began to speak to me.

Billie:I have to go finish getting everything ready for today.

I smiled a little

Jennifer:Alright. Baby, i wanna say thank you for doing all of this on such short notice.

Billie:Its no problem at all.I love you.

Jennifer:And i love you, bye baby.

She hung up and i got up from my bed. I headed straight to the bathroom and got dressed in generic ripped blue jeans and a black hoodie. I stepped out of my room. When i made it to the kitchen Yulianna was sitting there eating.

Jennifer:Alright im ready to see the venue.

Yuliet:What do you mean?

Yuliet said while stepping into the kitchen from the living room.

Jennifer:You guys have to take me to the venue and show it to me.

They looked at each other and smirked.

Yulianna:Nope. We're blindfolding you.

I looked at them with a shocked expression.

Jennifer:Are you being for real?

They smiled and nodded their heads. I rolled my eyes. I sat down and began to eat with them. After we were done we washed our plates and went to brush our teeth.

The girls walked to my bathroom door.

Yuliet:Alright all of the makeup and hair stuff is at the venue.

Yulianna:Yeah so we're ready when you are.

I walked out of the bathroom and we headed down to Yuliet's car. She got in the drivers seat while Yuls got in the passenger's.

Yuliet began to drive off the parking lot. We listened to music for about 20 minutes and then Yulianna turned to me.

Yulianna:Ok its time to blind fold you.

I rolled my eyes but didn't try to fight back since i knew bils wanted it to be a surprise. I leaned forward and she put a blindfold on my eyes. In 10 minutes we got to where I'm guessing,is the venue.

Yuliet parked then i heard the car doors open and close. Soon enough the door to my right opened. Yulianna grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car, i could tell it was her because of her long nails.

I stepped out of the car and soon i was being led by Yulianna somewhere. We walked through a hallway and i could hear a lot of moving. I heard a squeal which i already knew belonged to Claudia.

Claudia:Omg this is so exciting.

Jennifer:For you guys. I would love to see where I'm going and or am at.

Yuliet:Yeah yeah, we're taking you to the dressing room right now so we'll take the blindfold off when we get there.

Yulianna grabbed my hand once again and took me to a room. I heard the door close and my blindfold began getting removed by Yuliet. I looked around and i saw the dressing room was really pretty.

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