skinny love- peter parker

Start from the beginning

A thought of you crossed his mind and he quickly shook it off. "Nothing."

"Is it about Y/N?" the super-soldier questioned.

Peter struggled to find the right words to say, no words forming when his mouth moved.

"Oh my god. You're in love with her!" Bucky practically squealed, and Peter could feel the heat rising up his cheeks at his statement.

"N-no I'm not," he squeaked.

"Hey, guys," Peter heard a familiar voice say as the doors to the gym slid open.

He froze when he realized it was you and Bucky snorted.

"Hey, kiddo," Steve smiled, and you gave him a fist-bump, "You good?"

"Guess so," you replied honestly, keeping a rather straight face as you spoke, "if you don't count the time that Clint tried to pick out all the strawberries from my açaí bowl this morning. Talk about trying to eat healthy when someone keeps stealing your fruits."

"He did that again?" Bucky scrunched his nose up in confusion. "Took all the granola before I could pour some over my yogurt."


Both men noticed that Peter was still standing there, cheeks turning bright pink as he looked over at you and slight smirks made their way onto their faces.

"So," Bucky coughed awkardly, trying to break the tension in the air, "how's the research going, mini Banner? Anything new?"

"We're getting somewhere, I guess," you shrugged, "Dad and I put together a new section out from the fossils that we found back during our trip to Africa, you know---when we were all visiting T'Challa's place. We actually got a lot done, that is, if you take out Tony pretending to be a star basketball player as he shot crumpled-up paper balls into the trash can from the other side of the room. And you?"

"Beating the crap out of the spider-kid," he grinned, slinging an arm across a rather flushed-looking Peter's shoulders. "He's already crushed me a few times, but I made sure to get my revenge."

"Typical," you shrugged in response before cracking your knuckles. "Are we doing anything else today? If not, I'm going to go head back down to the labs. Dad's needing my help with a new experiment, which means I get to work the super cool microscopes, and I'm not missing out on that."

"No, we don't have anything. What about you, Peter?" Steve jumped in, subtly nudging Peter in the side. "You can go help Y/N in the labs, her and Banner are going to need some."

"Oh! Uh..." he stuttered for a moment, "sure! I can help."

"Great! We're going to need the extra help, there's a lot to do," you offered him one of your rare smiles, "meet you down there in 5."

"Dude," Bucky snorted as you turned around on your heel and left the gym, wiggling his eyebrows up and down at a furiously blushing Peter, "you're so in love with her."

"Shut up," Peter mumbled under his breath. "I'm not."


"Hi, Peter, Y/N," Bruce gave the two of you a friendly wave as you made your way downstairs to the lab. "You ready to get started?"

"Ohmygod, Dad, can I use the supercool microscopes? Not just the regular ones, but also the electron one too? Pleasepleaseplease?" you begged. "I've been waiting for forever and you promised me I could since I haven't set anything on fire in two months!"

The scientist sighed and shook his head, smiling to himself. "Sure, sweetheart, you and Pete can be on microscope duty. The slides should already prepared and cleaned up but if not, you can take new ones out or clean them yourself, and instructions are over there on the tablets and overhead screen. When you're done, just let me know, and Tony'll also be down any minute as well."

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