Chapter 20

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A/N- Ight we back bitches thanks for waiting and reading my awful ideas. I miss shadowhunters and Malec..especially Malec. :)

2 months later
I've had a few more ultrasounds just to make sure the baby was okay and i was okay. I've come to term to it, I've realized that Jace is with me through and through. Granted I'm still aware I've fucked up my life, and Jace's but that ain't matter to nobody anymore. Jace has been keeping a closer eye to me 'cause I only got a few more months left and he won't let me go anywhere. He hardly lets me walk myself to the bathroom, it's fuckin' annoying. I'm your local pregnant teen who didn't ask for non this shit. I'm just glad it's with Jace and not any of my exes. And this baby isn't going to grow up in the hood. This kid is gonna have the best fucking life in the world.
"Hey Clary how are you feeling?" My mom walked in the door and I was sitting on the ground in an extremely weird position, it was the only way I could be comfortable. "I'm doing okay, what's up?" I looked up at her and started to get up but my mom put her hand up telling me to stop, so i did. "I just wanted to see how you are, I know how uncomfortable pregnancies are. Especially at a younger age." I smiled at her and felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and saw it was from Izzy.
I: Clary my house now. 911 emergency.
"Mom i gotta go." I stood up and quickly changed out of my pajama pants and put on sweatpants. I ran to my new car and drove to the Lightwoods.
C: I'm here Iz let me in so I don't have to have an awkward conversation with your mother.
After about a minute I saw Izzy run out with Jace, Alec, and Max.
I quickly opened the car door so Izzy could hop in and I felt my heart go down to my stomach.
"Izzy what happened!" She had tears streaming down her face and when she looked at me to put Max down into the back door. "Iz what happened."
She quickly got into the front and slammed her seatbelt on, "Just drive to the hospital, it's important."
I quickly took off towards the closet hospital and anxiously wondered why we were going and why they didn't drive their own cars."
An hour later
As I pulled up to the front door to the hospital I dropped off Jace and the Lightwoods and parked my car in the emergency parking lot. I practically ran back to the front door and when I walked in I saw Izzy practically screaming at the women behind the check in counter thing.
"What do you mean we can't see her! We are her children!" What happened to Maryse. I felt my heart start to speed up and my breaths became shorter and shorter. I don't know what was happening to me. Jace noticed thankfully and pulled me back outside.
"Clary, you need to take deepbreaths."
"What happened to your mother!"
Jace's facial expression changed as his shoulder dropped, "She was badly injured in a car accident a few hours ago, we were waiting fo word from the hospital to come see her but Izzy, Alec, and I got extremely worried."
After I heard car crash the rest of the things Jace was telling me faded and I started to go through all of the things that could have happened and how badly Maryse got hurt.
I took a deep breath and felt myself start to wonder. "Clary? Are you okay?"
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and in reaction I clutched my very tiny stomach.
"I'm gonna get you a nurse!"Jace took my arm and guided me to a bench. "Don't move."
After Jace ran in the pain got worse and I started fading in and out of consciousness. By the time the nurses and doctors were outside I was so loopy I could barley hear what was being said.
I woke up in a hospital room with Jace, my mom, and Jon sitting around me. I looked at my arm and I had a tube injected into my arm filled with some mystery liquid.
"Clary! Thank the Angel your okay!" Jace tan up to my side and grabbed onto my hand.
My mom stood up, "Im gonna go get the doctor. Jon."
Jon nodded smiled at me and walked out.
I waited a few seconds before trying to speak for Jon and my mom to walk out.
"Jace, what is happening?"
"You past out."
I remembered the pain I felt in my stomach and fading in and out of consciousness, "Jace, is the baby okay? Please say it is!"
"The babies are okay."
He smiled big and looked at me, "Clary your having twins."
Hi i'm sorry I haven't posted in a while i've been at school and really unmotivated to write. anyway i'll go more in depth in the next few chapters if you are confused.
also this almost has 500 reads. what. why.
thank you for reading i'll see you in a bit :) <3

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