Chapter 6

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We went shopping, Jace was hitting on me the whole time. I ended up getting a couple ripped jeans, and a couple of teeshirts. I refused to buy any shoes because I ain't giving up my boots and switching them with sneakers. Ain't no way in hell thats happening. I already have to go to a new school with a bunch of stuck up rich kids.
"Yo Little Red!" Jace has been driving me crazy all day.
"What! What do you want Jace!"
"I was just going to say, it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to get to know you better."
"Thanks. I guess."
"Clare. Let's get home. Mom is looking for us. See you guys tomorrow?"
"You know it. Goodbye Clary."
"Little Red." I'm gonna kill him one day.
"See y'all around." Theres my southern accent.
"Did Little Red just day y'all."
"I grew up in the south. What did you expect."
Jon and I started walking back to the house when a guy from across the street shouted "Yo beautiful! What's a guy gotta do to get some!"
Jon looked at the guy and then at me. I was used to this.
"Are you just going to stand there and take it. They just catcalled you."
"What can you do. It's something I grew to ignore. It doesn't faze me anymore."
"Clare. Something has to faze you. Your like this metal wall. Nothing breaks you."
"What your point? This is the best way to be."
"No. No Clary. It isn't. You have to feel something. Nobody goes through what you did and not feel anything."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel.
"Clary please. Feel something. You watched our father die. Mom doesn't know how to take care of you. She used to hate you."
"Stop Jon."
"No. You have to let out some of the things that you keep hidden behind that big wall of yours."
"I-I don't think I'd be able to stop feeling once I let my walls down a little bit."
"That's normal Clare. You have to feel things other then anger and passion. Sadness, Joy. Wha about those."
"I feel joy. I broke out the emotions that would make me want to cry or care."
We went silent just listening to the sounds of the city.
"You have it lucky. You know that Jon?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do. And before you came I took it for granted, but now I know how you and dad had to live."
When we arrived at our house it was around 4 o'clock and the guy who takes care of the house who I met in the first day I was here, greeted us at the door.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild. May I take your bags?"
"No that is alright Sir. We can carry them up to our rooms. Thank you though."
He closed the door behind us and walked away with the clicking of his shoes against the floor.
"Yeah when dad left mom wanted me to have her name."
"Not surprised."
I went up stairs and I put my bags down and I sat on my bed and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I started sobbing. I cried for what felt like hours until I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
Jon's POV
I heard crying coming from Clary's room, I wondered if I broke her and if so, I needed to comfort her. To make up for all of the brother and sister bonding. I needed to make up for all of the fights that normal brother and sister have. I felt bad for her. I did this to her. She wouldn't be crying if I hadn't talked to her. Do I knocked on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me. Can I come in"
"Doors unlocked."
I opened the door to see Clary atom on her bed with mascara filled tears falling down her face.
"Hey Clare. Do you want to talk about it?"
She turned from the end of her bed to the side facing me and motioned me to sit down. So I did.
"So what's bothering you Clare. Start at the beginning."
"Okay. Just remember that you asked."
"I will. I want to be here for you. I want you to know that it's okay to cry and that it's okay to show that you are hurt."
"Thanks Jon."
She told me about how she knew that our parents didn't want a girl and she knew that they hated her. She told me about what it was like living in the hood, how she was made to be unbreakable. We talked for what felt like hours and when we finally got to when our dad died I could tell it hurt her. By the end we were both crying.
"That's my life story. Y'all think you have it bad until you meet someone like me, there are still people out there who have it worse then me."
"Clary. I had no idea. I'm so sorry."
"Don't give me pitty. Dad gave me enough of that."
"What do you want me to do, I'm here for you. I will be for the rest of my life."
"I just need someone who cares about me. Someone I can confide in when my life hits a bump in the road. And I ain't talking to no therapist."
"You can talk to me. Iz is here for you. And I know he can be a bit of a dick, but Jace is here for you."
"I-I love you Jon. Thank you. But don't anyone know."
"Why. You're my sister. I love you too."
"Because Dad taught me to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed, and I can't do that to you. Me, I'm already destroyed."
"You are not destroyed. You are just damaged."
She fell silent. She looked so confused.
"To love is not to be destoryed and you aren't destroyong anyone by loving them. Especially not me. I'm your brother. I'm supposed to love you."
"Do you have Jace's number?"
"Yeah of course. We've been friend since we were 6. We all have"
"Yeah. Izzy, Jace, Simon, Alec, and Magnus."
"Who's Simon, Alec, and Magnus?"
"Simon is a buddy, Alec is Izzy's brother, doesn't like many people, and MAgnus started dating Alec a while back."
"Is Magnus a man?"
"Yeah? Why is there a problem?"
"No not at all, I just want to know a little about your life."
"You Sure?"
"Oh bitch. Your talking to a proud bisexual. It's 100% okay with me."
"Okay? Now why'd you ask for Jace's number?"
"He's hot. Npow cough it up."
I gave her Jace's number and I could see the biigest smile form on her face. I could tell that she was into him. "You gonna bang him?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. You'll find out soon enough. So will I."
"Okay. I'm gonna go get in the shower I'll see you later."
"Ok. I'm gonna head out soon."

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