chapter seventeen

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" Oou that means somebody talking shit about you ", Shauna said while she licked the hot cheeto dust off her fingers.

" Man what are you talking about ", Hakeem asked. He gave her a look of annoyance.

" Everybody know that if your right ear itch that means somebody's being a full time hater and talking shit but if your left ear itch then somebody's saying good things about you, Duhhh ", Shauna explained.

" Oh so you're a Fortune teller now ? ", Hakeem replied back.

Everybody looked at him like he was stupid. He tried to sound smart but sound so dumb. Hakeem and his sister Shauna began arguing. Again.

" man when y'all going home ", Marion questioned. I swear my little brother is the boy version of me.

Hakeem and Shauna sucked their teeth. She continues to eat her chips when my dad came and peek his head out of the front door.

" Aye y'all wanna come somewhere with me ", dad asked.

" No thanks Dad I just wanna sit out here ", I responded. He nodded his head understanding.

" Well hell I wanna go ", Shauna said.

" Yeah where we going unc ", Hakeem asked.

" Y'all find out when we get there, come on son ", dad replied.

Marion dragged himself off of the rocking chair we were both sitting in. Dad came and wrapped his arm around Marion shoulder and they walked off. They all piled into the car then they pulled off.

Just as I thought my day was somewhat better Tyler came walking from his car over to my house. I rolled my eyes getting mad all over again. I regret not taking daddy on that offer.

" Aye look we needa talk ", he said loudly. He stopped at the fence. I raised my knees up to my chest and continue to rock in the rocking chair.

" So you're just gonna ignore me bro ", Tyler said.

" I'm not your bro now leave me the hell alone ", I replied loudly.

He looked up before sucking his teeth. " You know I ain't mean it like that ".

" Don't you got a girlfriend, go check on her and get away from my fence ", I told him.

Tyler ignored me and opened the fence. He walked through and jogged up the stairs. Once he got to the porch he sat down on the chair beside mine.

" Look the least you can do is talk to me ", Tyler had the audacity to say.

" I don't have to do anything ", I replied.

" I know the one thing that's still bothering you is the nba girl and I'm telling you that yes I did something with her but it was when we were on a break ", he explained.

" Yeah Tyler we were on a BREAK not broken up. It's a huge fucking difference ", I said.

" And I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry. Immediately I regretted doing that shit. Because I lost you and that's something that I didn't want to happen again ", he told me. I looked straight ahead trying not to show emotion.

" Then to find out that you went back to that Kaine nigga, it really messed me up Ro ", Tyler continued. I looked at him.

" I wasn't seeing him on the low while we were together if that's what you're thinking. I wouldn't do that to you ", I told him.

" Then why did you immediately went back to him as soon as we broke it off ", Tyler asked.

" I didn't plan on dating him again. It just happened. I went to him as a friend because I needed someone to talk to. I know it wasn't right but it happened ", I explained.

" Do you love him more than you love me ", Tyler asked. I can tell he was scared to hear my answer just by the look on his face. He kept his eyes down at the ground. Also didn't want to look at me because of what my answer would be.

" I love him.. but my love for you is different ", I said. Tyler looked at me waiting for me to explain. So I did.

" I realized after a week of being with Kaine that I wasn't in love with him. He doesn't joke like I can with you. He isn't supportive like you are to me. Like with my mom. And yeah he buy me gifts but he'll use them against me whenever we argue, which is almost all the time. With you, I still have everything you ever bought me. Even though you probably thought I threw it out by now ", I said with a small laugh. A couple tears fell down my face.

" You make me laugh when I'm sad. Which not a lot of people can do. You make me feel like I was the only girl in the world. The only one that mattered to you. You always made time for me and never gave excuses. I can go on and on about how I'm in love with you but I don't wanna get emotional so to answer your question, no ", I said.

Tyler looked at me with glossy eyes. He looked straight ahead and started punching the inside of his hand. He only does that to keep from crying. It didn't work because a tear or two fell anyway. He nodded his head while he laughed.

Looking at him made more tears fall. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Tyler. He pulled me on his lap and hugged me back. We pulled away then he wiped off my face. We stared at each other.

" I think communication was are biggest issue ", Tyler said. I nodded my head agreeing with him.

" Yeah, I just wish we would've had this conversation I wanna give you something ", I told him.

I stood up and walked inside the house. I went over to the coffee table in the living room and grabbed my sketch book. Ripping out a clean piece of paper, I pulled my phone out and begin writing a number down.

When I was finished, I headed back outside. Tyler was now in the rocking chair rocking a little. He stopped once he saw me. I sat down where he was first sitting at and handed him the paper.

" What is this ", Tyler asked.

" It's Chris's number. I want you to give him a call and ask him whatever you wanna know ", I told him.

It looked like he was about to say something but decided against it.


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