chapter sixteen

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Nobody's pov

" So what you finna do with Celeina? You haven't went to see her yet "

Xavier asked his little cousin Tyler. Zay really could care less about Celeina. But if that's who makes Tyler happy then he just gonna have to accept it.

" I'll go check on her in a little bi- "

Tyler was immediately cut off by Sienna. Who tackled him further into the chair. But obviously it didn't really fazes him.

She started punching him everywhere catching Tyler by surprise. He blocked each hit with his hands.

" Man somebody get her off me ", Tyler said loudly.

Brandon and Ryan quickly went over and pulled Sienna away from Tyler.

" You got what you deserved you disloyal ass trick ", Sienna yelled out.

" What the hell are you talking about ", Tyler semi-yelled.

" She talking about how you didn't stick up for Royal ", Sadie chimed in.

Tyler stood up and said " This Is some high school bullshit that I don't got time for ".

Royal walked up to Tyler and pushed his chest with her finger.

" After all those times I was there for you. Even the times we weren't even together. And you just stood there and didn't do nothing ", she said.

" What was I supposed to do huh? I'm with Celeina now ", Tyler responded.

" You know you're only with her because I'm still with Kaine "

" Yeah and I expected you to drop that nigga after everything we did two weeks ago ", Tyler quickly said.

Everybody gasped at what they just heard Tyler say as they looked between him and Royal.

" Girl what did y'all do ", a smiling Shauna asked with her eyebrows raised.

" Yeah well since you got a NBA cheerleading whore pregnant it's kinda hard to take you back ", Royal replied completely ignoring her cousin.

" Damn ", everybody said at once. Then Hakeem started laughing.

" That was three years ago and She's not even pregnant ", Tyler said defending himself.

" Yeah but you still cheated on me "

" Hold on Royal cause you're not perfect either. Like you was seeing that Chris dude behind my back AND AINT SAY SHIT  ", a frustrated Tyler yelled out.

Everybody gasped again and then Sadie ended up saying " Royal ", in a confused slash shocked tone. Sienna started smiling while pointing her finger in approval.

" I told you again and again that Chris was just helping me with setting up a meeting ", Royal explained. Tyler begin shaking his head.

" A meeting for what? You steady telling lies "

" What lie have I told, Tyler? He helped me with a meeting to LAUNCH MY BRAND. Where were you huh ? Out there cheating on me ", Royal replied.

" So you ain't went to see him that night ? With THE SHIT I BOUGHT YOU ?? ", Tyler yelled out.

Royal looked around at everybody. All their friends held a confused look on their face. She looked back at him wishing that he would just believe her. But she knew what she was about to say next is going to set him off.

" Yeah I did go see him but- "

Tyler laughed before he walked around Royal and inside the house. Royal looked around at everybody before she followed behind him.

Before he could shut the door Royal hurriedly went and stopped him.

" Bro you better move- "

" You're not even tryna hear me out ", Royal said.

" Why should I listen to whatever you gotta say ? ", Tyler replied.

" Because I didn't do anything with him. Yes I met up with him but it was with other people "

Tyler steadily push the door trying to shut it but Royal was also pushing the door to get in.

" -It was just business ", Royal said.

Tyler ended up closing the door making Royal step back. She begin banging on the back door.

" You gotta believe me Tyler ", she yelled out. Sienna came and tugged on the sleeve of Royal's hoodie.

" Come on Ro "

Royal pulled away from her friend and yelled out " Don't touch me ".

" You see this is what he does. He ALWAYS WANNA PLAY VICTIM when I'm the one that got cheated on ", Royal banged on the door one last time before walking away.

Xavier went inside to check on his little cousin Tyler. Going upstairs he went into Tyler's room. He was throwing stuff everywhere in anger.

" Come on Ty chill out ", Xavier said as he walked further inside the room.

Tyler stopped and plopped on his bed. He buried his face in his hands while he tried to control his heavy breathing.

" Tell me what's going on with y'all Ty ", Xavier said.

Tyler lifted his head up and looked straight ahead. " A few weeks ago I saw her for the first time in three years. We was at Celeina's birthday party. This was before we started going out ".

Xavier sat on Tyler's desk chair getting ready to hear the story.

" -And we were talking and shit which caught me by surprise because the last time I saw her she didn't wanna have nothing to do with me. So fast forward a week later, I took Celeina out or whatever. Turns out Royal and that Kaine dude was out at the same spot. She got mad at me cause I was out with Celeina. We got into it ", Tyler continued.

" Hold up was this the night your tires got stolen ", Xavier asked with a laugh.

" Shit not funny bruh. I still gotta buy tires for my car ", Tyler said.

" Aight cus, finish with the story ", Zay told Tyler.

" Anyway yeah we got into it and then I dropped Celeina off. A nigga was hungry so I stopped by Wendy's since that was closer "

" Shit I can bang some spicy nuggets right now ", Zay said as he looked up like he was thinking about something.

" Bro if you keep interrupting me I'ma just stop talking about it ", Tyler said.

" Aight bruh go on ", Zay replied.

" So like I was saying I pulled up to the restaurant. As I was walking in she was walking out. To me it was like God was tryna tell me something. Like I was meant to go there. Anyway we ended up getting in her car. She drove to her house. Things ended up happening and from then on out we had sex at least two other times before I had to end whatever we had going on ", Tyler further explained.

" Let me guess you ended it because Celeina ", Xavier asked.

" nah actually it was because she didn't wanna leave Kaine. Talking about she ain't wanna hurt him but what about my feelings ? So I said I'm just gonna leave you alone ", Tyler responded.

" I'm not understanding. Why she ain't leaving that nigga alone ? It's obvious she still have feelings for you "

" Because she still holding me cheating on her three years ago over my head. I know I fucked up and I apologized to her. I don't know what more she want from me bruh ", Tyler said.

" I think y'all need to know without an audience and sort whatever problems y'all got out ", Xavier told his cousin.

Tyler nodded his head before standing up. He dapped Xavier up before saying " Thanks for the talk Zay. I needed to get all that out ".

" That's what big brothers are for. Now you better clean all this shit up before pops come walking in here ", Xavier said before walking out.

Tyler shook his head before cleaning up the mess he made earlier.


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