chapter fifteen

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Nobody's pov

Royal looked between Tyler and Celeina. Tyler broke eye contact with her and stared at the ground.

" Ok see I tried to be nice but now I don't give a fuck ", Celeina said. She took off her purse then her jacket. She shoved them in Rashad's hands. He quickly threw them down in the grass.

" Bitch now I wanna fight ", she said as she walked up.

" After everything I did for you. I even made your birthday outfit and this is how you do me ", Royal responded. She was hurt that her supposed friend would go behind her back and date her ex.

" None of that even matters at this point. He's with me so MOVE ALONG ", Celeina replied. She honestly didn't care that Royal still had feelings for Tyler. She just wanted her to back off and disappear from his life.

" Cus,  if you ain't fighting her then let me ", Shauna said. She started putting her braids up in a low ponytail.

" I wish you would touch me you hoodrat ", Celeina replied.

" Oh hell naw- ", everybody who rolled up with Royal yelled out.

That's when Royal cocked her fist back and made it connected with Celeina's right side of her jaw.

" Don't you ever come for my family hoe ", Royal yelled out.

Celeina quickly grabbed Royal's shirt then her hair which made Royal grab Celeina's. They started throwing them things.

" Rock her shit cus ", Shauna yelled out.

" Damn ima make sure I get everything ", Darius yelled out while he laughed.

Once Royal swung Celeina off of her Darius immediately ran up with the phone. Along with everybody else.

Royal got on top and two pieced Celeina before Celeina flipped them over and got on top.

" Get up Ro ", Hakeem shouted out.

" Stand up and work this hoe ", Sadie yelled out.

After receiving two blows in the face Royal flipped them over and quickly stood up. Royal started stomping Celeina out until Celeina stood up.

Celeina went and swung at Royal but Royal moved back which made Ryan grab her. Frank came storming out the house.

" What in the hell y'all got going on in my yard ", Frank yelled out. Everybody turned to look at him.

Without anybody paying attention that's when Celeina quickly snuck Royal. Tyler hurriedly pulled Celeina back.

" Oh hell naw- ", everybody yelled out.

Royal tried to get back at her but Ryan was obviously stronger so he dragged her over towards the house.

" And get off of me ", Celeina pulled away from Tyler. She picked up her stuff off the ground and walked away.

" Tyler what is the meaning of this ", Frank asked.

" They started fighting because Royal kissed Ty outta nowhere ", Rashad told Frank.

" So you just stood there ? ", Frank asked.

" What was I supposed to do ? If they wanna fight then that's on them ", Tyler said. He bypassed everybody and walked inside the house.

Frank came walking in behind Tyler and turned him around.

" Don't you ever disrespect me by walking away from me DO YOU UNDERSTAND ", Frank told Tyler.

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