chapter ten

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I drove into a parking space here at the mall and got out, locking my doors. I made my way inside and started walking around.

I was getting something for Royal because i went off on her for no reason the other night. I keep thinking that she's still in love with her ex which keeps hindering our relationship. I should have more faith and trust in her. She's never been that type of girl. If she says she's over him then i gotta believe her.

Making my way inside the chanel store i went and begin picking up stuff that i thought she'll like. After hitting up other stores like LV, and Fendi, i spent over 20 thousand today. I didnt care because its for Royal.

As i was walking out if the mall i bumped into someone.

" Damn my bad "

I said as i looked to see who it was.

" Its ok- oh my God.. Kaine ? "

" Gina ? Wow i haven't seen you in ages ", i said with a smile.

" Yes its been too long. Well you look good mr.NFL ", Gina said with a laugh.

" Thanks, so do you ", i said.

Gina was my bestfriend throughout elementary, middle, and the first three years of high school. We were known as Reese's. Only because she's lightskin and im darkskin. She moved senior year up here in new york and i haven't seen her since.

" So how's life going ", i asked her.

" So you know how i always talked about being a book author ", she questioned. I nodded my head.

" Well i made it happen ", she said with a wide smile.

" No way man thats insane ", i said.

" I know, im still shooken up about it ", Gina said.

" So tell me about your book ", i told her.

" Ok so, the book is about two best friends who fuck up their lives by going to parties, doing illegal activities, and making bad choices but they come together at the end and turn their life around for the better ", Gina explained.

" Wow, sounds like us ", i said with a laugh.

" Well my brother thats because it IS, haha ", she said with a laugh.

" Whoa thats dope G ", i said.

" Thanks, hey im having a book release party tomorrow night. Why dont you stop by ", Gina said.

" Yeah ill definitely come by, just text me the address ", i told her.

" Kaine you know ill have to get them digits right ", Gina said with a laugh.

" Ohhh yeah my bad ", i said laughing. I pulled out my phone and handed it to her.

After we exchanged numbers, we gave each other a hug.

" I really did miss you Kaine ", Gina said once we pulled away.

" I missed you too G ", i told her.

" Welp i better get going and ill see you tomorrow night ", she said.

I waved to her as she walked away.

I looked down at the bags and instantly remembered Royal. Dang, how i forget about her ? And how did i forget to mention her to Gina?

I walked off and headed for my car.



" Can we just lay here ? ", Tyler said half sleep.

I shook my head and stood up off the rug near the fireplace. " No, i gotta go ".

We didn't do anything. After we made out or whatever, we just chilled in front of the fireplace. We just talked. Talked about things each of us did and didnt do in the relationship. We apologized to each other and squashed whatever it was that was holding us at anger with one another. It was a talk that we both needed.

Tyler stood up as well and walked me to the door.

" And Royal ... ", Tyler said catching my attention.

" Yeah ? "

" I dont wanna kiss you or anything like that.. because you're with dude and im not tryna be no homewrecker ", he told me.

I nodded my head. " I agree, im sorry about that too. I know that Kaine doesn't deserve me cheating on him... so that's why i gotta tell him ", i said.

" Nah dont tell him shit. Just let it go. If thats who you wanna be with then dont mess it up by telling him ", Tyler said.

I looked at Tyler then i nodded my head. I walked out of the door and over to my car getting in.

Truth be told i dont know who i want. My head is telling me to be with Kaine. Then on the other hand, my heart is telling me to be with Tyler. Im torn between the two and it sucks. Most people would say be with Tyler. We have a lot of history together. We cried together... we laughed... we told each other things we didnt tell anybody else. And when im with him, its like im safe. Im secured. Im free to be myself. We can talk for hours and never get bored with each other. I love Tyler like nobody else does.

I really have to talk to my parents about this because i dont know what to do.


I arrived at home and i walked through the door smelling something good being cooked. I followed the scent and saw Kaine at the stove.

" Hey handsome ", i said. I walked up behind him and hugged his waist.

He turned around and kissed me on the lips twice.

" Hey beautiful, you hungry ", Kaine asked.

" Yes... but thats not what im hungry for ", i said.

He raised his eyebrows while looking at me.

" Well let me turn this stove off then ", he said. Then i begin laughing.

He picked me up and laid me on the floor. He hovered on top of me and begin kissing my neck.

We spent hours of having sex. Two rounds in and it felt amazing. I dont know what got into Kaine but he never had sex like that with me before.

After we were done i used my elbows to sit up. I looked at him and said " So who is she ".

Kaine looked at me confusedly.

" What you talking about ? ", he asked.

" You never did nothing like that before so who is she ", i asked again.

" Was it so wrong that i wanted to show you that i am sorry about the other night ", Kaine said. He stood up and went somewhere.

He came back with a lot of bags. I fully sat up and watched him sit down infront of me.

" Here, im sorry for yelling at you and going off the other night. I was just going through a lot of stress and- ", Kaine started to say.

" -No thats ok baby. Im sorry too. Im also sorry about accusing you earlier ", i told him. I leaned over and kissed him all over his face.

" Just know that ill never cheat on you. After that whole Kellie thing, ive learned my lesson. You're the only woman i ever want to be with ", Kaine said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

Him saying that only made me more mad at myself for doing what i did with Tyler the same night that Kaine and i argued.

" Now go ahead and open the stuff ", Kaine told me.

" I will but i want something else first ", i said.

He laid back as i got on top. This about to be one of the best nights of my life.


Sorry for the slow updates. I will be posting two new chapters tomorrow ❤️

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