chapter fourteen

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I'm sorry guys I haven't been updating 😭 I was caught up but here y'all go ❤️

Nobody's pov

Tyler's uncle Frank took everybody to this restaurant slash game arcade called Dave and buster's.

Everybody was separated doing their own thing. Rashad and Darius was shooting hoops. Frank and Xavier was playing the hockey game. They were arguing and being all loud like usual.

Then there were Tyler and Celeina over by the tables. She was still upset about what took place earlier so she wasn't saying much.

" You really gonna act like that all night ", Tyler asked.

" You still haven't checked your family. I bet you they didnt disrespect Royal like that ", she replied.

Tyler rolled his eyes and stood up. " Why you gotta always bring up my ex for ".

" Why don't you never defend me ", she questioned back.

" Celeina I already told you how my family is. Me checking them ain't gonna do nothing ", Tyler said.

" Well maybe I should go back home then ", she said. Celeina stood up and begin walking away.

Tyler hugged her from behind making her stop walking.

" Don't leave, look I'll talk to them. Just come back to the table please ", he told Celeina.

Celeina released a sigh then she turned around to face him.

" You better or I'm leaving for real ", she said. She led the way back to the table.

" Nephew you ready to eat ", Frank asked as he walked up to the table. Along with Xavier, Rashad and Darius.

" Yeah y'all know what y'all picking ", Tyler asked them as they say down.

" Shit I want the hot wings, what cha getting D ", Rashad asked.

" Im getting the Mac burger. I heard it's fire ", Darius replied.

" Looks like I'm getting that too son. Why the computer pad not working? ", Frank chimed in. Everybody shrugged their shoulders.

" What you ordering Cece ?", Tyler asked.

" Well I was thinking- "

" Aye excuse mrs ", Xavier shouted out. The waitress came walking over to our table with a smile and a notepad.

" Hi, you guys ready to order ", she asked.

" Yeah, why ain't this working ", Rashad asked.

" It's having a technical issue as of right now so I'll be taking your orders ", the waitress explained.

They all nodded and gave her their orders. After she left they begin talking to one another. But Celeina just sat there looking down at her nails. Or either on her phone.

After they ate they went back to playing on the games. Tyler walked over to the hoops and started shooting baskets with the rest of the boys.

Frank just sat at the table and talked on the phone.

Tyler looked over and saw Celeina just sitting on the side where they were playing ball at. He didn't want her to be sad but then again he also didn't want her to ruin the vibe. At this point she already was.



" There she is ", grandma V yelled out. Everybody else started cheering and clapping. There was a big welcome home banner on the front of the house. Balloons on either side of the porch.

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