Chapter 6: Jinmin (pt 2)

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"Kookie we need to talk," I said, barging into the room we shared, after being told by Tae that Jungkook was sulking in here.

As expected, he only turned away from me pretending I wasn't there. Still with the silent treatment.

"Jungkook." I called again, this time going and sitting directly in front of him on his bed. "We need to talk about this, you can't just keep ignoring me."

Still he carried on scrolling through his phone. I snatched the possession away, tucking it into my jeans jacket pocket.

"Please Kookie," I said when he glared at me. He huffed, getting up to leave, but before he could I caught a hold of his wrist. "How many times do you want me to apologise to you?" I raised my voice slightly, "I've being doing it all day."

"Let go." He said almost instantly.

"I will. Just don't leave. We really need to talk. I'm tired of arguing all the time."

"Let go of my hand Jimin." His voice was low and annoyed.

"No," I glared, starting to lose patience with him. Was he not hearing what I was saying? I was trying to make things right and he was just being childish again!

"Let go!"

"Just talk to me then!" I got up, and in a frustrated fit, I garbed his waist roughly.

"No!" he shouted catching me off guard slightly. "This is what you wanted isn't it? Space? So I'm giving it to you! Let go of me!" I only pulled him closer though.

"Jungkook look I didn't mean it." I sighed, feeling slightly guilty for saying such a thing. "I'm sorry-"

"Shut up."


"I said shut up! I know what you meant Jimin! Even though this is my first relationship I'm not stupid you know. I really don't think this is working out with us."


"No listen to me. I-I don't want to keep doing this."

"What are you talking about?" I let out a huff.

"I think we should break up."

"What?!" I was struck with so much shock that I felt like I couldn't breath, or remember how to. I stumbled back a little.

I found it difficult to comprehend his words because it was so out of the blue. We were fine. We were literally fine. Given that we had a couple of arguments here and there, but that was normal with everyone.

Before I could say another word, Jungkook ran out.

I stayed put.

So... So he just breaks up with me because I told him I needed space? That's all I did and he wants to break up? He didn't even want to talk about it, hear me out first? I suddenly couldn't help but feel angry.

What about me?! I had to put up with him making me sleep for the sofa for some nights, for locking me out of our shared room for hours on end, even him asking me millions of questions before allowing me to go out with friends. I had to put up with him being jealous over nearly everyone. Yet, never, not even once did I think about breaking up with him. Because I loved him. But I guess he didn't love me.

So fine. If he wants to break up with me over nothing, then I wouldn't put up a fight. Let him do what he wants to because I was so done with him and his bullshit.

I walk out of the room after I gathered myself (it took a while), still annoyed.

Great timing, I thought as just as I walked out, Jin hyung had given Jungkook the task of calling everyone to the dining room.

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