Chapter 5: Jinmin (part 1)

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"Jungkook, me and Jimin are going grocery shopping, do you want to tag along?" Jin asked my boyfriend, who was lazily lying on the sofa.

"Hyung," Jungkook started with a whine, "do you have to go now?"

"Yes Kookie, I need to cook dinner for tonight."

"Aww," he pouted, "I'll stay here hyung. I'm really sleepy." He let out a soft yawn, making me want to coo at him.

I would have hugged the life out of him, however he wasn't talking to me after our petty argument this morning. It was really stupid, and I said hurtful things to him in the heat of the moment, I regretted it sure, but at the same time I had stuff to get off my chest. And every time I tried to apologise to him, he would just ignore me.

"Bye Ko-" He turned away from me, I sighed. There was no point. I spent the whole day trying to talk to him, to apologise, and he just wouldn't have it. I understood that he had an ego, that he had trouble portraying his feelings but his pettiness was really hard to deal with sometimes. There was only a number of times I could apologise for something we both did. He was in the wrong as well yet I was the one being punished.

"Come on then Jimin." Jin hyung calls from behind.

I gave a quick glance at Jungkook's form covered in a thick blanket on the sofa, his head resting on it's armrest, as I left. He never said a word to me. I felt a pang of annoyance, he was being so childish again.

"What was all that about?" Jin hyung breaks the silence in the car as he drove.

I sighed, "you don't want to know hyung. Just Jungkook being a drama queen again."

He gave a light chuckle, "well Jimin since we have fifteen minutes to kill, I'm sure I want to know. I'm your hyung, who knows maybe I'll have some good advice for you by the end of it."

"I will not drown my sorrows in food hyung." I teased, to lighten the- my mood. I just felt so gloomy.

"I would smack you right now, but I abide by my policy: two hands on the wheel when driving."

I laughed. "Hyung?"


"We had an argument," I started, "again."

"About?" he prompted.

"He wanted me to go to a water-park in Gwacheon with him, as a date next week."

"Our week off." Jin hyung acknowledged.

"Yes. I said I'd love to,  but I already promised Namjoon hyung I would accompany him to all his interviews that week. He's been really stressed lately, I wouldn't want to disappoint him." 

"He asked me to spare him at least one day, but who goes to a water park/ resort that far for a day? Jungkook said that I was just giving excuses and that I wasn't spending time with him anymore. Like what? I'm constantly with him, he's so childish and I told him that. I don't even hang out with Tae much either, and, when I'm not with him he constantly wants to know what I'm doing. He's always in my business but even then I don't say anything because I love him."

"I told him to stop being so clingy," I admitted guiltily, "but I apologised straight after. I've been apologising all day. Yet he never apologised to me."

"What did he do?" Jin hyung asked gently.

"He was assuming things, saying that I didn't love him anymore, you know the usual stuff." I dragged. 

"You want to know what I think?"


"Jungkook just want to spend time with you-"

"But I've been spending ti-"

"Before you say anything just hear me out," he cut me off, "he wants to spend time with you alone. Away from the dorm, away from all our managers and staff Jimin. He's young, and when you're young, you want to spend every passing moment with the person you love. Especially if it's your first love. Corny, I know, but it's true. Jungkook has trouble expressing his feeling sometimes, but he loves you, and he's learning. So give him time, he'll understand how you feel eventually. He'll learn how to control his jealousy as he matures more."

"He adores you Jimin, he doesn't care if you guys go to a water park, or a beach, or anywhere, he just wants to spend a little time with you in a different setting, away from all the stress, even if it's just for a day."

"But hyung, Namjoon hyung, I promised-"

"I will go with Namjoon when you aren't there."

"But you said you were visiting your family next week."

"I'm sure I can spare a day or two for our destructive leader." he joked. Just as I let out a chuckle, we pulled up to an empty parking space. "Right Jimin, less snaks and more vegetables." he said as we got down.

"Yes hyung."

"Aren't I glad you came with me instead of Tae. That rascal would have whined for centuries."

"Well I'm sure when everyone sees the bags when we get back, there'll be plenty of whining to go around for you hyung."

"I'll just blackmail them with something to keep their mouths shut." he brushed off. Don't condone blackmailing.

I followed wordlessly behind him. Wonder what dirt he has on everyone. Should I even ask?

First chapter where Jimin is annoyed with Jungkook, and he's showing it. Wonder how Jungkook's reaction will be when Jimin tells him they'll be able to go on their date trip. Do you guys think he'll still ignore Jimin? Let me know in the comments.

Boring chapter I know, so sorry about that, hopfully the next one will be more interesting haha x.

Don't forget to comment and vote. Love you all x until next week :)

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