✡ chapter 1

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Felicity had thought that this week would be just like the other weeks this month. She would start the day by stepping up at 7 o'clock in the morning, eat pancake breakfast and then at 8 she would drive to  Verdant. Once there, she would go into the building through the alley so not Thea and the others at the club would start asking a lot of questions why she was there all the time. After that she would check through their database and see of some new cases had appeared, and if she was lucky - she would drool over Oliver's muscular body while he trained.

But this morning she had received a mysterious phone call from a man who claimed to be her father. She had never met her father and her mother Ellen had almost never talked about him. She had only said that he was only a temporary relationship in her life. Jo's father, however, had Ellen loved. He had been her great love, but he had passed away in an unknown death.

And now - Felicity sat down in the basement at Verdant and tried to concentrate on seeking out the information that Oliver wanted to know. All the time, her thoughts went to the conversation that she had had only a few hours ago. The man who claimed to be her father. Felicity had called her mother and asked her if this man was just a joke. But her mother had after a lot of ifs and buts admitted that he was her father.

Felicity was not close to her family. She had quickly left them when she had graduated from high school, to seek to Collage in Starling City.

Jo, however, had stayed with their mother and now owned and worked at a small Roudhouse in Nebraska. Felicity had visited it a few times after she moved to Starling City. But she had never liked that place. She didn't understand how they could drive the place - when the only guests they had were older men with motorcycles. It was atleast what Felicity thought.

"Felicity, have you found anything?" Oliver's voice from her earpiece woke her out of her mind and drew her back to the present.
"No, nothing yet Oliver." she replied and her fingers quickly rising on the keyboard. "Wait, I found him. He lives in the Glades, next to the park. On Park Street, house number 4B."
"Thank you." He replied , and again Felicity was proud that she had found what he sought.

An hour later, Oliver was back.
"He was not there." he put the bow down on the steel table and went to Felicity who still sat in front of the computer, engrossed in her own thoughts. She turned on the chair and looked at Oliver.

"Oliver." She said. "I will leave you for a few days." She looked into his eyes and then stood up. "It have appeared some family things." She paused and wondered if she should tell him what was the matter. "Im gonna meet my dad." she continued.
"But you didn't know who he was?" Oliver looked questioningly at her.

She straightened her glasses.
"Now I know, he called me this morning." she paused. "And he wants to meet me."

Oliver put his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes.
"Go, I'll be fine. I have Diggle and Roy. They will help me." Felicity smiled without dropping her eyes from Oliver. She had always felt something for Oliver, ever since she had found out his secret. So when he looked into her eyes, her heart started pounding faster and she felt herself blushing. Should she kiss him goodbye?

"Where are you going?" he asked and then started walking around the room.
"To Sioux Falls, South Dakota."
"You will me missed." he gave her a warm goodbye hug.

When she was about to leave the room he stopped her.
"Don't be a stranger." he smiled at her and she smiled back, leaving the room with a deep sigh.


The next day, she stepped out off the bus in Sioux Falls. The only thing she knew about the man was that hes name was Bobby and that he owned a car scrap. He hadn't said much more to her. It was not hard to find where he lived, the city was not as big as Starling City and he was the only one with a car scrap.

With nervous steps, she went into the yard. It was a big house and it looked like the house at any time would collapse. It's wasn't as fancy as th houses back in Starling City. There was no garden at the house and no green grass. Where had she ended up?

Outside the house there stood a blue pickup truck and a black impala. While she wrinkled her nose, she went to the house. With careful steps, she went up the stairs. She was afraid of who she would meet on the other side of the door. But if  the man was dangerous, her mother had stopped her from going.

She gently lifted her hand up and then knocked nervously on the door. A cold wind swept past and catched her blonde hair that was set in a tight knot.

It felt like ages before the door finally opened and she was greeted by a friendly face. The older man's face lit up in a broad smile.

"Welcome, you must be Felicity. Come in." the man went in and Felicity followed him with nervous steps.
"Hi, I'm Bobby, Bobby Singer." Then the man said, holding out his hand.

She took his hand and shook it lightly as she looked at the man that was sitting in a wheelchair. What had happened to him?

"So, this is weird. Yesterday I didn't even know you existed and now I stand here in your hall." Felicty laughed nervously.

"Well, I have not known about you for so long. Your mom told me about you few weeks ago." The man disappeared off into the house. "Come on." he said, and made a gesture with his hand. "You can leave your bag here."

Felicity nodded and placed the suitcase on the floor in the hall.
She followed Bobby into the house and soon she was met by two young men who looked questioningly at her. They sat in a small red sofa, each with a book in their hands.

"Okay guys. That's one thing I have not told you." Said Bobby and looked at the men and then Felicity. "This is my daughter." He paused.  "My and Ellen's daughter." The two young men nearly dropped their chins. They looked questioningly at Bobby and then Felicity.

"Your.. your daughter?" said one of the man with a little too long brown hair.
Bobby nodded to account. "I didn't know that she existed. Ellen told me about her a few weeks ago." He smiled a little, toward Felicity. "Felicity, this is Sam and Dean."

"Okay, this is really confusing." Felicity opened her mouth now. "So this is your sons?" She didn't let her eyes from the two young men who sat on the sofa. Her eyes got stuck on one of them, he with short dark blond hair. Never had she seen such a perfect man. Perfect cheekbones, perfect mouth. Green mysterious eyes. She lowered her gaze. Perfect body. She felt how she blushed.

"No, those are my friends, but almost like my family." Bobby pulled her back to reality again and she nodded.
"So, do you want something to eat?" Bobby left them without waiting for her reply.


- ( Okey, so i have now started to edit every chapter on this story because i wrote the first 8 chapters a couple of years ago. And when a was reading all the chapters last week i realized that it was kind of hard to read because it was a lot of wrong grammers and so on. But i can't promise that the new updated chapters will have less wrong grammer. My main language is not english. So don't hate on me.

Please let me what you think of the new chapter?
How often do you want me to update?

Don't forget to comment and like.

/ Evelina - Ballroomdancing

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