✡ chapter 7

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It took nearly all day and half of the night to get from Soiux Falls to Starling City. And when they arrived it was too late for them to meet Oliver and the others. So they went directly to Felicity apartment. 

Dean had suggested that he could take in at a motel during the time they were in Starling City, but Felicity had refused him and told him he could stay with her in the apartment. It was big enough for both of them. She told him that they would not sleep in the same bed, she had a large couch where he could sleep. 

Dean parked the Impala outside the apartment, and they took their bags and started walking up all the stairs to Felicity apartment, which was on the fourth floor.

Felicity gave a sigh of relief as she stepped through the door to the apartment. It felt so good to be home, even if only for a few days. Shortly after they had arrived in the small apartment they went to bed, Felicity in her own bed, and Dean on the couch in the TV room.

Even if she was exhausted, she could not fall asleep. Directly when she closed her eyes she could see Meg's black demon eyes starring into her soul. In two hours Felicity lay awake in bed, afraid to sleep. With a sigh, she stepped out of bed and tiptoed out to the TV room where Dean was sleeping.

"Are you sleeping?" she whispered and looked at the couch where Dean was. He sat up and looked questioningly at her. "I can't sleep." she took a few steps closer to the sofa. "Can  you come and sleep beside me in my bed?" She fell silent.

Dean scratched his neck and after a few seconds of silence he nodded and got up from the couch. They layed down on either side of the bed.

"Thank you." whispered Felicity in the dark. "Although we are far from Meg, it feels as though she'll pop up at any time." She felt Dean stroked a hand on her cheek.
"She will not get to you." he whispered back. "I will protect you." Felicity closed her eyes and felt her sleep came closer and closer.
"I .. I'm not really the one who likes to talk about feelings or so, but I must tell you that I .." she didn't hear more before she slept deeply.

Felicity didn't wake up until the next morning refreshed and happy that she  made it through one night again without Meg appeared and above all for having slept all night. She turned in bed and saw that the seat next to her was empty. She remembers that Dean had wanted to say something to her the night before, but she had fallen asleep. 

What was it that he wanted to say to her? Had he told her that he was not the type who liked to talk about feelings? She pulled a hand through her hair as she tried to remember what he had said to her. She was mad at herself for falling asleep.

A smell of freshly brewed coffee swept into the room, and a smile spread across her lips. She got up out of bed, pulled on a bathrobe and went into the kitchen. In the kitchen she was met by a sight that made her heart skip a beat. Dean stood  in the front of the stove, with an apron around his waist and a forke in his hand. He hummed happily to a song that was played on the radio while he turned the egg in the frying pan.

"Good morning." she said happily and sat down at the table. Dean jumped when he heard her voice and turned around to face her with a happy face.
"Oh, good morning." a smile spread across his lips. "Hope you're hungry."

She nodded. "Yes starving." she pulled her hand through her hair. "Where does all the food come from?" She looked questioningly at Dean.
"I went shopping while you slept." he was putting the fried eggs and bacon on a plate, and put it down on the table in front of her. "You've been snoring all night so I have not gotten a wink." He laughed and sat down opposite her. "Im guessing that you have slept well." he smiled. 
"Yes i have." Felicity smiled back and took a bite from the egg.

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