✡ chapter 4

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Sam leaned against the sink and put his arms folded across his chest. Bobby nervously stroked his chin. Felicity looked at the three men. What did they hide from here? What had happened to her mother and sister? The thoughts were many.

"I do not know where to start." Bobby was the first one who said anything after the long silence. Dean looked down at his hands, which were clasped over the kitchen table. Felicity could see at the two brothers that they were hiding something, that they didn't want to talk about and she couln't miss the tears in Dean's eyes.

"It's probably good if you sit down." Bobby pulled out the chair that stood beside him at the kitchen table. She took a deep breath and then sat down at the kitchen table next to Bobby. Bobby took her hands and then met her gaze.

"I'm sorry, but your mother and sister passed away last night." Felicity felt a pain wash over her. Like a thousand stab straight in the heart. She had deep down sensed that something terrible had happened but it still came as a shock. The tears started to roll down her cheeks and she just wanted to disappear. She took a deep breath and then looked up at the brothers - but no one gave her a look.

"How did it happen?" She said quietly while she wiped away a tear from her cheek.

"There is so much that you need to know before we talk about how it happened." Sam had left his place at the sink and was now sitting at the table next to Dean.

"Were they murdered?" She felt that it was the cause, for they could not have died of some disease, but she still had to ask the question. Sam nodded.

"But no such killers as you think." Added Bobby, and then he began to tell. He told her about what he and the brothers were doing, what her mother Ellen and her sister Jo had done. That they all were doing the same things. Felicity sat and listened to what they told her without interrupting. He told her that they were chasing demons who were a danger to humans. Ghosts and other creatures. Felicity thought about the books she found in the room where she slept. Were all of them for real? She shivered at the thought. Even if everything they told her sounded strange and unreal, she knew that it was true.

"We don't hope that we have scared you now." Bobby gave her an uncertain smile.

Felicity shook her head. No, they had not scared her, only made her more curious, but still afraid of what was out there. After that, Sam told her how Ellen and Jo died. That they had sacrificed their lives so that Sam and Dean could live.

Sam told her about how Jo got bitten by Hellhounds. That they had been hiding inside a shop, that Jo was in bad shape and could barely walk. They told how the Hellhounds tried to enter, how they built a bomb. She had a faint memory of that she had read about them in one of the books? That they could still smell you scent even if you were thousand away. They could always find you. Felicity felt the tears streaming down her cheeks when they told her about her family and she regretted all the years they had been apart.

Their contact had not been good, they had just spoken at a few times over the years she had been away in Starling City and they had just met over the Christmas and New Year Eve. Little Jo, who had been her best friend during their childhood. She had loved her little sister and protected her. Even if she had moved and left them behind her love for her sister had not disappeared, likewise the love for her mother. Why had they kept this secret from her? All the information that she had to take in and all the grief she felt for her family caused her to miss Oliver even more. Right now she just wants to have him here.

She wanted to be in his warm and secure arms and hear him say that everything would be fine. She wiped away the tears and straightened her glasses, then she dragged a hand through her blond hair. She felt someone put his hand on her back and when she looked up she was met by Dean's green eyes.

"They loved you, they always talked about you and how much they was missing you." He then bowed down and gave her a hug and again her tears began to flow. She couln't miss the feeling that she was kind of jealous of the brothers. They had known her mother and sisters more then she and they had gotten the chance to say goodbye.


The rest of the day, they made nothing. Sam and Dean went off to meet the man with the trench coat. Bobby had told her that the man was an angel. What was out there anyway? Was there a God? A devil? The thoughts and questions were many. She had also phoned Oliver and said that she intended to stay a few weeks. But she didn't tell him about Ellen and Jo. Not yet.

Dean and Sam had come back later in the evening.

"How are you?" Dean sat down beside her on the red sofa, in his hand he had a bottle of beer.

"Despite the circumstances I feel good, but I'm still in shock and very sad. Can't believe they are gone and can't believe what you guy told me is true. "She paused and straightened her glasses.

"Why had'nt thet told be about this stuff. About what they do? The only thing I knew was that they were working at a small Roadhouse." She could feel the tears burning in her eyes.

"A Roudhouse for hunters." Dean said and then drank a sip from the beer. "The reason why they didn't tell you, was that they didn't want to pull you into this shit. You were doing so well in Starling City. A life that they never got.

"How long had they been chasing demons?" Felicity looked up at Dean and she felt a tear leaving the corner of her eye.

"Ellen started hunting when she met Jo's father." Dean answered.

Felicity could not help but feel a litte bit of jealousy. Why had they kept this a secret all these years? They had gone behind her back so long. But she still couldn't blame them, it was good that they hadn't told her anything about it. She had never managed it, she was too cowardly.

She just nodded in reply and then said good night to the brothers and Bobby. All the information had made her tired.

That night she cried herself to sleep, grief of losting her mother and sister - but also sadness over that Oliver was not here with her. 


Poor Felicity :'(
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//Evelina - Ballroomdancing

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