✡ chapter 6

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The secrecy lasted several weeks. Felicity could see on them that they knew more than they wanted to say. What was it that Meg wanted? Felicity could not think of any reason. She missed her old life, before she knew what was out there. The time when she just knew there were only superheroes, that she and Oliver and the others fought. She missed Oliver so much that it made her heart ache. She was also missing Diggle and even Roy.

Meg had not been seen for several weeks, which was nice, but they still went on tenterhooks all the time. Waiting for when she would show up the next time. The brothers and Bobby worked every day trying to figure out what to do. They went away and could be out for several hours. But they never left her alone. There was always someone at home with her.

For a couple of days ago , Castiel had spent his day with here - while the others were out fixing a case about some vampires. The day had started a little bit awkward. They had just been sitting quite next to each other for a very long time. But after a while Felicity couldn't be quite anymore so she decided that they could play some cards. Castiel had been so awful at cards that she had tricked him every time so she could win.

But on this day it was Dean's turn to keep her company. He sat down in the kitchen when she woke up this morning.

"Good morning." He didn't locked up from the newspaper that he was reading.
"Good morning," she said a little tired and opened the refrigerator to see what she would eat for breakfast. She began to feel more and more at home in Bobby's house and she got on quite well, despite the circumstances. She loved the brothers company, and she and Castiel always had fun together.

She sat down opposite him with a sandwich in one hand and a glass of juice in the other.
"Slept well?" He's eyes was still resting on the newspaper that laid before him on the table.
"Like a little child." she said a little ironic and took a bite of the sandwich.

Dean finally looked up from the paper and met her eyes. Her heart fluttered, as they had done now in a week's time - every time he looked at her with hes green eyes. Does it meant that she began to have feelings for the man in front of her? No, she quickly shook away the thoughts.

"You look tired." Dean pulled her back to reality. "Have you slept anything tonight?" he looked worried at her. Felicity shook her head.

"No I have not. I'm afraid that Meg will come back and kill me in my sleep." She put both hands on the table with a sigh.

"You don't have to worry." Dean took her hands in his. "Your room is safe, the whole house is safe. No demon enters here." She nodded. She knew, Bobby and the brothers had - the day Meg appeared - drawn lot of signs on the windows, doors, ceilings, floors and no demon could enter this house now. They had also asked her to get a tattoo on her body so that she could'nt be possessed. The brothers and Bobby had been nagging at her for two weeks before she had agreed to have a tattoo. So now she had a tattoo that would keep the demons away, on the left upper arm. And she had to admit that she liked it. It looked kind of hot.

Dean released soon her hands and left his place at the table.
"Now we gonna do something fun togheter. It's just too depressing to just sit here inside for days." He clapped his hands and smiled at her. "Sam and Bobby will not be home in a few days, so I thought you and I could take a trip to Starling City." He leaned against the sink with his eyes fixed on Felicity. "You have not been home for a long time now and your friends surely miss you." Dean smiled.

Felicity was so happy that she jumped up from the chair and gave Dean a warm hug.
"Thanks so much." she said happily while Dean replied her hug. They stood so for a few seconds until both of them realized that the hug was a little too long.

"Um. Im gonna get up and pack." Felicity left the kitchen and went up to her room without looking at Dean. She could feel herself blushing.


Early the next morning they were finally on there way to Starling City. She had not told Oliver that she was going back, she wanted it to be a surprise.

"You look happy today Felicity Smoak." said Dean cheerfully and quickly checked on her before he again looked out on the road in front of them.

"Today is a good day." she said. "It will be so nice to come home for a while. Meet all of my friends and try to forget what happened." She smiled at Dean nodded to account.

He turned up the volume on the radio and started singing with ZZ top's Sharp Dressed Man.
"Come on, sing with me." he almost shouted to try to drown out the music.
"I can't sing to this song.I have never heard it." Felicity laughed.

"Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man." Dean continued singing and drumming the steering wheel slightly. Felicity could not let her gaze from Dean. The feelings she had for Oliver when she had left Starling City was now vanished, instead began feelings for Dean to become stronger. Never had a man made her laugh so much like she was doing now, not even Oliver. She felt happy, Happy to come home to here friends, happy that she and Dean had many hours together in his Impala before they arrived. Much could happen.


Thank you for reading, hope you like it. Don't forget to comment.

// Evelina - Ballroomdancing

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