✡ chapter 13

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The journey back home to Bobbys felt like an eternity. Everyone was quiet in the car, tired of the long night and thankful that they all were alive. The only thing that was heard was the roar of the engine and the rain that landed on the car window.
Felicity leaned her head against the car window and rested her eyes on the landscape outside. Soon she closed her eyes, hoping to sleep for a while, but after all that had happened she couldn't sleep. The thought of what Meg had told them - about the virus - made her stomach hurt . It might have felt better if they had been told exactly when the virus was spreading, then they could have prepared for it. Felicity shook her thoughts away and made another attempt to sleep again.

Felicity must have fallen asleep, because when she opened her eyes again, they were already at Bobby's house.
"Nice to be back." Sam walked out of the car and stretched his  legs. The sun had begun to go down again and colored the sky blood red. Felicity left the car and followed Bobby.
"I agree." Bobby said and opened the door to the house.

Felicity drew a hand through her hair while she entered the house. A relieved sigh slipped from her mouth when she returned to the safe atmosphere that Bobby's house had. She really loved being here. She always felt safe here from all the evil that threatened outside the walls.

"Who wants a beer? "Dean went to the fridge and brought out a beer to him and Sam. Together, the brothers dropped into the red sofa - each with a beer in their hand. Bobby sat down by the desk while he sipped on a glass of whiskey. All tired after the long day and night.

"I'm going to bed. "Felicity went upstairs without saying good night to the brothers and Bobby. She crept down in bed and fell asleep immediately and did not wake up until the next day by the sun that shined in trough the little window in the room and made the dust dance in the air and for a few seconds she had forgotten everything that had happened the day before. Instead, she was enchanted by the beautiful weather outside. She had the feeling that this would be a good day - a feeling that disappeared again when the thought of yesterday came into mind.

She got up from the bed and dressed herself. She went to the bathroom on the second floor and brushed her teeth and used the bathroom. She got her hair in a messy bun and after that she left the room and went down to the kitchen where the brothers and her father sat and discussed. When she stepped into the room, they silenced.

"You don't have to stop talking just because I'm here." She poured juice into a glass and sat down at the kitchen table. "Haven't we decided that we would not have secrets to each other anymore?"
Felicity looked at the brothers and her father. She didn't realize that they still insisted on keeping secrets from her. She was now just as involved in their world as them.

"So, have you come up with what we should do now?" She drank from the juice and then looked at Dean. He shook his head to answer.
"No, we have not come up with anything yet." Bobby was the first to respond.

"We've been thinking. " Sam continued. "We've thought it might be best if you go back to Starling City again before we know more about the virus."

Felicity felt how anger and disappointment came crawling.
"You're safer in Starling City." Bobby caught Felicity's hands in her but she quickly pulled out of his grip and stood up angrily. The tears burned in her eyes.
"We don't want to put you in danger again." Bobby continued.

Felicity looked at Dean who didn't have said anything yet. She could see in his eyes that he was hurt. He wanted this as much as her. But yet he didn't say anything and that made her more mad. What a coward.

"So you mean I'm safer in Starling City than here with you?" She was upset now and she felt how the anger started to boil inside her.
"You're at greater risk of meeting something evil here than you do in Starling City. I've talked to Oliver and he and the others will keep and eye of you and protect you. Even they have been tattooed so that they can't be obsessed." Sam continued.

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