Maybe someone sent him? But come on! Can't I just get a break? I mean, just when I'm moving on from my bad past this happens. Good Lord have mercy.

What if he wants to kill me? What about Jasmine, she'll be all alone, and I don't want to die! I can't just let this guy take me, not this easy.

But he's got a knife!

True, but my life is worth fighting for, anyone's life is. It's either me or him.

My eyes scanned my surroundings for a way to escape this mess and an idea struck me.

Just before we could walk away I turned around as fast as I could and grabbed my laptop on the table, bashing the device on his head with as much force I could muster.

The first hit caught him off gaurd and he stumbled back with a yelp, giving me a chance to hit him a again - destroying my prescious laptop in the process.

Thank goodness all my files are backed up in my flashdrive, or I'll be dead meat.

I hit him again and he stumbles back, his back colliding with a shelf close by.

I now I feel like I'm in a action movie or something. But I wasn't done yet, I walk closer and hit him again and again till my laptop was completely destroyed.

I should be arrested for this cruel crime of laptop abuse, honestly I feel like a monster.

Even all my effortless superhuman force and trusty weapon apparently wasn't enough to hold him back, but at least it gave him a few bruises and a slightly deep cut on his bald head.

"Shit," he muttered as he touched the wound and checked his bloody fingers.

I took his distraction as an opportunity to slowly retreat, only to have him look in my direction.

I could feel my heart skip a beat as he stood straight and walked to me, his face holding a deep scowl.

With the knife in his hands, he swung it at me and I duck, hearing a swish sound as the metal moved quickly in the air.

He tried aiming the tip at my stomach but I moved back quickly and slid to the side when he lunged at me. Okay, I think I've got this.

I ran into an aisle of book shelves with him following closely after me.

I looked back and noticed him getting close so I pushed down as many books as I could to the ground, hoping he'd slip on them and ran to another aisle.

"You little bitch!" I heard him say and loud footsteps were heard behind me. At this moment I was lost and didn't know what to do but depend on my surroundings and insticts for help.

But what much damage can you give to someone in a libary?

I'm not a skilled fighter, so I can't risk hand to hand combact.

So I decided on the most reasonable thing to do. Hide.

I looked behind but didn't find him there, I let out a breath. I must have lost him.

I found a door and ignored the 'staff only' sign as I quickly locked myself in.

The room was dark and quiet, which I found creepy but I embraced it. I tried calming my breathing as I decided to wait thirty minutes before leaving.

"Listen, I don't have time for this. Come out, I know you're in there," I heard his deep voice say from the other side. "Stop trying to make this complicated."

He tried to open the door with the handle but it was locked, for obvious reasons.

"Fine then, but if we drag attention. Their deaths are on you."

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