Winter Wonderland (Treebros)

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Musical: Dear Evan Hansen.

Ship: Evan Hansen X Connor Murphy.


The night was bleak, the clouds overhead making the air dense, a chill running up my spine, causing me to retreat further into my coat, using the fur to grip to my chest to get a sense of warmth. My gaze flickered to the night sky, the gap between the clouds allowing me to gaze on the stars that twinkled in the sky. my breath turned cold and a smile couldn't help but twitch on my face. even though it was cold, winter was one of my favourite seasons. The bitter air made me think of my bitter smile, the coldness providing me a strange sense of comfort. I was probably the only one that liked to embrace the coldness that came with winter, myself strolling on the late evenings, the crunching of snow under my feet providing me with a strange sense of peacefulness.

Turning down a side road, heading towards my boyfriends house, the flurry of Christmas decorations made the street light up, my eyes instantly catching the absence of Christmas decorations on one house in particular, a string of fairy lights adding a minimum touch that I could appreciate knowing exactly who that house belonged to. My feet trailed straight towards the house, my knocking echoing through the house.

The door opened to a nervous looking boy, his eyes lighting up as soon as his eyes landed on mine.

"Connor!" He said excitedly, throwing his arms around me. My arms captured him in my grasp, pulling him closer to my chest. "Evan, babe. Why are you so excited to see me we only saw each other yesterday." I chuckle. He lets go of me, a cute pout on his face. "I always miss you." The words reach my ear, a strange tint of red forming on my cheeks that I try to fight away.

"You're going to end up being the death of me Hansen."  I remark and he just smiles brightly up at me, his hand grasping mine, entwining our fingers together. "I have a surprise for you." He says, tugging at my arm to follow him into his lounge. I follow willingly, my steps trailing closely behind his, curious as to what his surprise it.

He lets go off my hand, turning away from me and seemingly searching for something, his voice muttering an 'ahh' when he must have finally located what ever it is that he was searching for in the first place. He turns round and I see the fairly big Christmas present in his hand, neatly wrapped to perfection. "This is for you." He says, glancing at the floor and fidgeting with his shirt to show his nervousness. 

"Evan you didn't need to get me a Christmas present, spending the day with you is simply enough." I say, but he shakes his head pushing the present into my arms. I reluctantly take it, following Evan as he walks to sit on the floor. I sit down next to him and he flickers his eyes between me and the present, indicating for me to open it.

My hands fiddle at the bow and before using my nails to slowly open the present with careful precision, a slight smile fighting its way on to my face seeing the benefit of Evan getting more agitated due to the amount of time that it was taking me to open his present. A smile stretches on his face when the wrapping lays disregarded next to me and I open the box to see a selection of items, a black hoodie, a blue top as well as some black and blue nail vanish in addition to a mini artificial tree, that makes me smiled because I know it'll remind me of Evan, and a pillow with a picture of both me and Evan on.

"I love it!" I say and if it was possible his smile gets wider. "What is you're favourite. Is it the tree? Please tell me its the tree?" He rambles and I chuckle. "Of course it's the tree, Evan. You know that I'll think about you every time I see it." I reply and his eyes twinkle in delight.

"What's with the blue though you know I only wear black?" I ask. His smile disappears before a small, embarrassed smile replace it. "I thought seeing as blue is my favourite colour, it would add a bit of me to you're aesthetic." He mutters. A wide smile etches on my face, my heart beating quicker in my chest at his words, the sweet person sitting before me reminding me how lucky I am to have this boy as my boyfriend.

"Thank you." I say, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. A blush forms on his cheek as he stutters out his next words. "I- I have another surprise."  I arch my eyebrow confused but he points to the ceiling, my eyes gazing up to see the mistletoe hanging above us. A smirk forms on my face and I lean in to kiss him on the lips, as soon as our lips entwine a spark of warmth flooding through me, my hand involuntary cupping his face as I crave more of his sweet kisses.

We pull away, a pink tint on both of our cheeks. "I love you Evan Hansen." I say.

"I love you too, Connor Murphy." He replies and I smile, for once being one of the happiest that I have ever been with the Christmas music that I usually hate providing a bliss to the evening as we wrap up and walk along the street, celebrating my holiday together like we do for his Jewish Christmas, Honokaa, as we walk along the snowy street, the stars twinkling in the cold evening, close to one another's embrace, hands entwines as we continue to walk in what is perfectly described as a Winter Wonderland.


I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages. Not going to lie I completely forgot this book existed haha but I will try and update more regularly when my life isn't hectically busy. Please request some more ideas though so that the updates can be more frequent!

- Meg :)

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