The Bro Duet (Boyf riends)

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Musical: Be More Chill
Ship: Jeremy Heere x Michael Mell
Plot: Saying no homo doesn't mean that it isn't homo.

Normal - Jeremy

Bold - Michael

Italics - Jeremy's thoughts

Bold and Italicised - Michael's thoughts


Yeah Bro.

I got something I need to take off my chest.

He sings the line flawlessly making me glad that I chose him to be my karaoke partner at the sleepover we are having. He pats his chest as he sings and I just hope that it could be his shirt that he needs to get off his chest but I need to stop my raging bisexual distress of thoughts that I am having and focus on the song.

You do?

Hey dude we've been best friends for a really long time now.

Twelve years, oh gosh how long it has been I think to myself but even though it has been this long of a friendship I still can't work up the courage to ask Jeremy out because of my fear that it will destroy our long term friendship.

Yeah dude.

And there's something I need you to know.

Why did we pick this song? The lyrics are so relatable if I could only just let him know how I truly felt about him.


Remember that time we were surfing
And I almost drowned
And you dragged me to the beach
And performed CPR?

The irony of these lyrics is the fact that it actually happened except in the pool. Rich was chasing me and I managed to whack my head of the pool upon falling into it, knocking myself unconscious and Jeremy had to perform CPR on me in order to get the water out of my lungs to help me breath and regain consciousness.

I smile at Michael, remembering the time where I had saved him, that was when I knew I loved him. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine and having been questioning my sexuality for quite sometime that mouth to mouth, technically kissing, is what made me realise that I was bisexual and that I was also in love with my best friend.

Well, no homo,
But that's the day I fell in love with you.

Oh how I wish that was true.

No homo,
But that's the day I knew you were mine.
Looking into your eyes,
Made me realize,
No homo,
But you're lips touching mine.

I wish my lips could touch his again and that we could be full homo.

Changed my life.

It's true, his lips on mine made me love him more. I had fallen in love with him but his lips on mine confirmed my suspicions. I was truly and utterly in love with my best friend.


His reaction to my words seems sincere and it makes me more fearful regarding as to why I can't tell him the truth about my feelings. I am scared to be rejected or for him to be disgusted, even though I am fully aware Jeremy is not homophobic after coming out to him in 8th grade but yet I know, even after the squip incident, he is still conscious about other peoples opinions of him and would probably be scared to admitting to be anything other than straight, hence why I clearly have no chance with him.

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