Gem (Treebros)

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Pair: Connor x Evan
Musical: Eear Evan Hansen
Outline: Connor is an assassin and is on a mission to find a gem, except the gem isn't what he anticipated.

Connor's P.O.V.

With a thud I landed on my feet into the room, looking around to make sure the noise hadn't directed any attention my way. I brought the gun closer to my face, as I looked both ways and made sure no guards were coming this way.

My eyes caught the room that I was mapped to go into on the blueprint and once I made sure it was secure, I quickly walked over and opened the door cautiously as I slipped into it, closing the door with a light click.

My eyes darted around the room. It was very clean, almost like nobody was living here if it wasn't for the pieces of work that were scrawled across the desk with writing over it. My eyes scanned over the room, it being too dark to almost see anything. Yet, it seemed to be empty. I wondered were the person that lived here was, but I began to search the draws, looking for what I had come for in the first place.

Opening draw after draw, my hope was deflating as I couldn't seem to find anything that matched the description of the 'gem' that they were after. The bosses hadn't told me what this gem was, just that it was very important and could be used for money.

Clearly I had been too distracted because I felt something digging into my back, as my posture straightened and I could suddenly feel a presence behind me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The voice said behind me, they sounded timid but trying to sound confident. It was a knife, where the hell did they get a knife from. I couldn't see them, but my defense was kicking in as I grabbed their arm, twisting it around so that I was faced around, the knife now near my throat.

My eyes locked with some gorgeous blue ones as they glanced over the person here. He was a small looking guy, similar to my age with fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was....beautiful. A strand of hair fell infront of his face and Connor could feel the knife slightly loosen on his neck, the guy moving his hand to tuck the strand hair behind his ear.

This felt way too intimate and he found himself liking it, even though he shouldn't. Catching him of guard, he pushed him away onto the floor and grabbed the knife out of his hand.

The guy looked scared, timid and not like the guy that had just threatened him with a knife at his back. "You don't need to know who I am, who are you?"

"My name is E-Evan Hansen." Hansen- that was the guy he had been instructed to kill.

"Hansen," he found himself over him now, putting the knife near his neck as he was almost straddling him with his position. "I've been instructed to kill you, any last words before I do."

He searched his eyes, biting his lip as a red blush seemed to appear on his cheek. "Your beautiful."

To say Connor was gobsmacked was an understatement, for someone that had last words you would expect them to say tell my family I love them, not that a guy you had never met before and that was threatening to kill you that he was beautiful.

He found him loosing his grip of the knife as it fell down to the side of him, Connor keeping his position there. Evan looked confused. "You didn't kill me?"

"Why- why do you say one word and get so easily into my head? I can't kill you, not now. I'm a failure at the one thing I'm supposed to be good at too."

That's when he did something Connor didn't expect, lifting the knife up to his own neck. "I'll do it then. You think I care about dying? You'd be doing me a favour."
Connor looked into his eyes, seeing the same broken look that he had in his own eyes. "You are like me," he hummed out, but Evan just pushed the knife deeper, it was beginning to cut on his neck and Connor found himself standing over him now, watching him as Evan looked up into his eyes. "Do it, please."

He could, he could end it all for the other boy. But he couldn't, he couldn't when he just saw himself staring back in the eyes of somebody else who's broken look mimicked his own.


"Then I will." Evan went to do it, but found the knife loosening and dropping on the floor with a clatter as lips met his own, being soft and tender as the arm went from holding the knife at his neck to holding the waist of the person that had chosen to kiss him to stop his stupid actions.

Connor pulled away and they were both searching each other eyes, trying to figure out what each other thoughts were. "I'm Connor Murphy," he gave his name, knowing that he probably shouldn't, but he had done a lot of things he shouldn't have.

"Connor Murphy- nice name."

"Thanks," he looked around the room again. "Look- I don't want to kill you, but I need to look like I did. I also need to find a gem, that was what they told me to destroy."

Evan looked up. "I am the gem," Connor looked back at him in surprise and I mean Evan looked like a gem, or more his eyes did in the way they twinkled brightly like gems, a rarity. But- that wasn't possible was it?

"What? That makes no sense, they said it was of importance and the center to the whole- oh," it dawned on him. Evan was the gem, someone they wanted to destroy to get to his father.

"My boss is trying to get to your father, thinking that destroying the gem would break him."

Evan scoffed. "My dad doesn't care about me, clearly you boss hasn't fully done his research otherwise he would know that he left when I was 5 and has his own new family."
Daddy issues too? Maybe they were more alike than he thought.

"You can't stay though, they need to think I've killed you. You can come with me, if you want? I have somewhere we can go, but the question is- do you trust me?"

That was a dangerous question to ask, but Evan searched his eyes and for some reason he did. "Yes, I trust you."

That response kind of shocked Connor, but he gave a small smile. "Then come with me. Take my hand and I'll make sure your safe." Evan took his hand but in doing that he was doing much more than just trusting him, he had made a pact. Connor now wanted to make a vow to make sure Evan was safe for the rest of his life because despite everything, he thought that maybe they could be friends. He was a gem maybe to Connor's life because after that night everything changed, and Connor had found a prized possession he didn't know he needed.

BMC & DEH - One-shots (Requests Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora