Attention (Kliensen)

74 2 10

Musical: Dear Evan Hansen
Ship: Evan Hansen X Jared Klienman
Plot: Jared wants attention.


"Evan!" Jared whines, his voice showing his desperation and neediness to catch Evan's attention.

"Jared. I already told you I'm doing homework. I can't give you attention at the moment until I have finished this." He says, his eyes not leaving the screen. Jared pouts at his response, disappointed that his boyfriend isn't giving him attention.

Jared starts sucking on his tongue making an annoying sound before then tapping his pencil, eager to try as many methods as he could possibly do in order to successfully turn Evan's attention away from his laptop and on to his pouting boyfriend.

"Jared can you stop that. You're being annoying." He mutters, his tone reflecting his annoyance. He crosses his arms in a sulking motion with Evan quickly flicking his eyes, glancing in his direction to see a sad expression on his face. He quickly kisses him on the cheek before turning back to his work as though nothing had happened at all.

A small smile etches on Jared's face as a plan forms in his head to successfully distract Evan.

"Evan!" He mutters, Evan's ears perking up at the sound of his name.

"What?" He snaps harshly, his patience being thin and close to breaking point due to Jared's antics.

"Evan!" Jared says again, Evan throwing him a glare to shut up, not even giving him a response.

"Evan!" He repeats again, a small smile etching on his face as he notices Evan's hand beginning to clench in a ball and his face scrunching up to show his frustration, allowing Jared to pick up on these features that successfully allowed him to identified that he was getting on Evan's nerves.

"Evan!" He repeats for a final time, successfully causing Evan to reach his breaking point as he hits his laptop and turns his body to face Jared.

"What?" He snaps, his face being red in anger.

"I want attention." He says matter of factly. Evan seems to get redder in anger but Jared just smirks.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" He says, having sighed and his body slumping in frustration to show his unwillingness to fight Jared on the matter anymore.

"I dunno." He says shrugging. Evan swings his legs round to fully face him, his expression being one laced with annoyance.

"So you're telling me that you have distracted me, from my work because you are bored and you don't even know what you want to do." He says annoyed, building up with his voice showing his building annoyance due to his volume increasing,

He nods his head slowly and Evan sighs, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the room and throws him onto the sofa, putting on a movie and going to make popcorn.

"Right we're watching a film so you can stop complaining you are bored." He says, slumping himself onto the sofa next to Jared as they begin to watch the film, the popcorn in between them as they begin to eat, Evan being sucked into the movie and fully engaged. Jared flicks his eyes towards Evan noticing how cute he looks fully engaged in the film and begins pocking Evan to try and get his attention again.

"What now?" He asks, turning himself unwillingly away from the movie.

"I'm still bored." He says and Evan given him a look to say 'I don't believe you'. Jared sighs and admits that he is indeed not bored.

"I want attention." He says, looking down at the floor in embarrassment, finally admitting to himself, as well as Evan, what was truly bothering him.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" He asks as he shakes his head, slightly chuckling at him.

"Because I am no good at admitting my feelings. You should know that by now Evan." He says. Evan nods and wraps his arms around Jared, pulling him into his lap as Jared slouches, relaxing into Evan's arms feeling warm and secure as he has Evan's arms wrapped around him, a smile etching on his face as he has finally gained Evan's attention.

"I love you." Jared says and Evan looks down at him with a smile, his eyes full of love.

"I love you too, you dork." He says, leaning his lips down to give him a quick peck on the lips before turning his attention back to the movie, Jared having also fully focused on the movie loving the feeling of Evan giving him attention and them spending nights curled up on the sofa like this and the many times that they have done it before.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I haven't known what to write but hope you like this. Please give suggestions of what to write but if nobody does I will continue to try and come up with my own. 

- Meg

BMC & DEH - One-shots (Requests Closed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora