"Is he always in such a shitty mood?"

Jaebum sighed, pulling out a chair from the nearby table with one hand and grabbing Jinyoung with the other, forcing him down into the seat. "Jinyoung, sit down and shut up."

Mark looked between the two, turning away from them and quickly heading out of the room. "Um, I gotta set up the tables. Yugyeom should be here any minute."

Going by the expression on Mark's face it was easy to tell that he felt uncomfortable with a new face around, especially the unsatisfied one Jinyoung proudly wore. He was already making things harder than they needed to be.

"Dude, what the hell? Don't be embarrassing." Jaebum chided in a low tone so that Mark wouldn't hear them.

Jinyoung raised a brow, his eyes widening a bit. "You can say 'hell' down here? That's insane."


"That's like a forbidden word in heaven. I've never said it. Well, until just a few seconds ago."

Jaebum frowned, a dozen questions suddenly coming to his head. "I swear I've heard you say it before? How much stuff are you allowed to do up there anyway? And wait a sec, if you're an angel, does that mean you're a dead human?"

"Do I look dead? You're so fucking stupid." Jinyoung spat.

Jaebum rubbed his temples, already feeling a headache coming on. He let out a heavy sigh, regretting even engaging in a conversation with him. "Y'know what, we'll talk about this later, I don't have time for you."

"Jaebum!" Yugyeom yelled out as he entered the room, the younger paying no mind to Jinyoung who also occupied the room. "Mark said you were freakin' early today, that's insane!"

"Well now I can complain to you about being late." Jaebum teased.

"I'm not even late though?" Yugyeom retorted. His eyes flashed down to the person sitting in the chair next to Jaebum, finally registering that it was someone he didn't know.  "And um, who's he?"

"Just... a friend." Jaebum stated.

"An acquaintance." Jinyoung corrected.

Jaebum shook his head, taking in a deep breath of patience that he was quickly losing. "Whatever."

Yugyeom frowned, pointing at Jinyoung who wasn't even paying him much attention. "He's not supposed to be back here."

Jaebum knew they weren't allowed to bring friends back into the staff area, but luckily their cafe had a volunteer service that they implemented so the nearby school kids could get a feel of the working environment. Luckily, it was a program open to everyone. "He's volunteering."

Jinyoung, with his selective hearing, definitely heard that, immediately swinging his head around to give Jaebum an incredulous look. "I never said I would help-"

Jinyoung yelped after getting kicked in the shin, the pain rendering him silent. "He's volunteering whether he wants to or not because I said so."

"Fuck off." The angel spat, earning himself a threatening glower from Jaebum in return.

Yugyeom looked between the two, obviously not exactly sure what was going on, and definitely not wanting to get himself involved. He cleared his throat, pretending he didn't witness any of their bickering. "Um, okay, well make sure you let Bam know when he comes in, get him a volunteer name tag and apron so he can help Mark set up the tables."

"Yeah I'm already on it."  Jaebum stated, giving a thumbs up to Yugyeom who quickly grabbed himself an apron and headed out to help set up business. His eyes then settled on Jinyoung, the smile he had for Yugyeom disappearing as soon as they locked gazes.  "Jinyoung, I need you to pull that fucking stick out of your ass, drop the attitude, and actually contribute to society. All people come in here for is food and coffee, it's not that hard. Maybe some human labor will change your perspective on life here on earth."

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