Tomura Shigaraki X Reader

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Ooof I dont have a title for this chappy heheh. Omg guys, I'm so sorry for going on a leave that I didnt even notify that I was going on! A lot of things have been going on, I've got homework, my mother broke her foot so I have a lot of extra chores, plus I have to help watch my grandfather because, as you guys know, he has alzheimers, and so we can not, under any circumstances, leave him unattended. But, somehow, by some movement of magic, here I am! With a new chappy, on my birthday no less! I'm so happy, and I hope you are too! Now, please, enjoy~


"Hey, Midoriya? What would you do if you found out one of your close friends had a crush on someone... less hero like?"

The golden sun was falling beneath the treeline, causing a warm, orange glow to spill over the area, warming the toes of the two teens sitting out on the back deck of a secluded, small log cabin.

The girl was wrapped up in a blanket and had a mug of hot cocoa in her small hands, her pink nose hovering above the beverage to catch heat from its steam.

The boy sat in a lounge chair beside her, his fluffy green hair fluttering in the chilly breeze. He didn't have a blanket, but he was in a hoodie. His legs were stuffed in the bottom of the hoodie, as he didn't have anything but shorts on underneath.

The boy shifted to put his empty glass down, his eyes showing concentration.

"Well... do you mean like, say Uraraka was dating a civilian? Or a vigilante? I wouldn't mind, as long as she loves them. Honestly, I've never really even thought of it."

The girl shook her head, her light, pale brown hair falling off her shoulders. She set her cup on the glass coffee table in front of her cold body too.

"No, I mean... more like a.... a villain?"

Midoriya stared at the girl, a face that showed pure shock and slight horror plastered on his features. He started pulling at his sleeves, clearly uncomfortable.

"I-I mean, sure, if you love them enough, you could change a low criminal over to our side... yeah, that could be easy."

"No, Izuku. Not a low petty thief. I mean, like say a League of Villains' member, like Dabi, or Toga. Or, even Spinner or... or.."

Y/n trailed off, her forehead started to catch sweat. She was cutting it way to close, she had to dial back, before he found out and ruined it.

"Or Shigaraki, right? I'm all for love and people loving eachother, but, they're all wanted murderers. I don't know what I'd say."

Y/n glanced down at her uncovered feet, her toes curling in on themselves for heat.

"Would you cast them out? Would you call them a traitor? Could you... could you keep the secret?"

Midoriya was staring at the side of her skull, and he could tell just how nervous and anxious she was by how she refused to look him in the eye. He sighed quietly, but Y/n heard it.

" I couldn't cast a friend out, and I would never assume that person a traitor. But, how could a hero fall in love with a villain? Or the other way around? It just doesn't happen. But, I do get what you're saying. They're human, like us, and they catch feelings sometimes. It would take some getting used to, but I bet after a while, I'd be okay."

Midoriya smiled, and Y/n couldn't help the small smile that parted her lips as well. I always knew you were a good and understanding person, Izuku.

Midoriya slowly untucked his feet from his hoodie before standing up, his back popping at the action. He picked up his mug and sipped the last bit of cocoa from the bottom before turning to the small girl he considered a best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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