Kisses N Roses (Crosshairs x Summer)

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Here she is, coming to you live from my living room, it's me! *dramatic applause* Happy Valentine's Day! I give you: More Crosshairs. Get over it. I love him, and you can never make me stop!! *maniac laugh* anywho, this one'll be pretty short (compared to my other ones) so sorry, and hope you enjoy!


Summer was tired. Tired of being overworked. Tired of being ignored. Tired of being tired. She was sick of it all.

Summer loved her boyfriend. He was smart (when he wanted to be), sweet (to her), handsome, and he just happened to be the most illegal thing on earth. But lately, he's been... Busy.

He'll be gone by the time she got to work-walking, might I add. Cross literally is her car-and he'll just barely be pulling in as she's walking up her front porch steps.

If he ever is in the shop with her, he's either working on other cars, himself, or Drift. He doesn't even tell her good morning, and Summer can tell he's overworked and stressed out too, but they're dating!

She huffed out a frustrated sigh, her arms going limp. She let the grease and oil covering her arms sit, as she sat in silence, staring off into space.

Summer looked up at the sound of the garage door opening, Crosshairs walking through it, one hand holding a piece of paper with little scribbles of literature on it while the other ran through his dark brown hair, tousling it. She smiled.

"Good morning, Crosshairs. How are you?" Crosshairs didn't look up from the paperwork in his hands. Instead, he followed the sound of her voice, walking up to her before making the lazy reply of ,"Fine, love," and pecking her lips.

Or, at least he tried. He missed her lips and pecked her cheek, which she was not happy about. "Oh, come on! Crosshairs! Are you even listening to me?!"

Cross gave a dull nod, mumbling quietly to himself, his eyes still glued to the piece of paper before him. Summer snorted before snagging the paper from his hands.

Crosshairs' blue eyes widened, his holographic processor -a brain or mind, as humans call it- going fuzzy. His eyes met with her fuming brown ones.

Summer grabbed Crosshairs' collar, ripping the top half of his body down to her level. His goggles slid down to his neck, the metal bouncing off his chest.

Summer angrily yanked his head forwards to smash her lips to his. She felt his frame stiffen before relaxing a bit, but she didn't let him enjoy it.

Summer shoved him away, her breath coming out in short gasps. Crosshairs stared at her in surprise, before losing his balance and toppling over.

Crosshairs slipped his arms under his exhausted body, getting his hurting forearms to lift up his weight. Once in an awkward sitting position, he proceeded to look up at his angry girlfriend.

She didn't wish to meet his eyes, so instead, Summer looked down at the paper Crosshairs had been engulfed in moments before, her eyes going wide.

"What is this? I've never seen this language before." Summer looked down at Crosshairs, who was now in a crouched position. He locked eyes with her before grunting, a smile splitting his lips apart, letting pearly white holographic fangs peak out from they're hiding place.

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