I need some support*

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Guys I have some bad news.

I dont think I'm gonna be able to update for a little while. I'm just not in the best place right now. I've been sick this past week- although, I'm much better now than I was a week ago- and I've been an emotional wreck. My mental state isn't as perky as normal either.

I just found out earlier today that my band teacher is resigning. And I know that doesn't seem like something to have a mental breakdown over, but to me, it is.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've ALWAYS been a band kid, so I grow attached to my music teachers pretty quickly. You know that one teacher that you absolutely love because you can be yourself around them and be okay? The one that you can confide in? The one that you can walk into their rooms cussing and screaming and they wont do anything but listen?

That was him. And now he's leaving. I have a strong emotional connection with him, in my own way, and the fact that this is my last year with him crushed me.

My best friend has been out of school for two weeks with some form of the plaque (jk) so I can't talk to her face to face right now. Plus, I've been overly stressed with end of the year testing.

Another reason why I'm hitting the pause button, I'm normally the emotional/mental leaning post for my friends to learn from and to lean on, and dont get me wrong, I'm okay with that and I truly dont mind at all, but I feel like I always have to be mentally stable and ready to help solve their problems for them, so me being this messed up is not going to help them. I have to take some sort of pause or else I'm going to drag them down with me. I'm supposed to be the strong one for them, not the one that will agree that dying sounds nice.

Last but not least, we found out last year that my grandfather has alzheimers. He's been getting really bad lately, and the effects of this disease is slowly tearing my family apart. Yesterday was his and my grandmother's 48th anniversary and although we had fun, it just wasn't the same with him acting like a completely different person. It broke my heart to see my dad actually cry.

It's been really rough for me recently, and I dont want to stop writing, but I need time to get my inspiration back. Please, I need you guys. I need you're support. Please, even if your a silent reader and you just so happen to stumble upon this chapter, please comment something. I really need help, and I feel like I'm going to lose it.

I'm also really sorry @Female_Sans1  but you'll just have to give me a little more time on your chapter. If I dont think it's my best work, I wont publish a chapter, and I said I was having problems with finding inspiration lately, so its gonna take me a little longer then expected. But don't worry, once I get back up again, I'll get right back to it!

Thank you guys for the love so far. You truly make writing so much easier. I promise I'll get back to my feet again, and it'll hopefully happen soon.

Peace out, homies

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