My Story: April 2nd

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I'm going to tell you a story. It's not fanfiction, or adventures in space, or even something I made up. Its about two little girls.

April 2nd, 2011.

The wind was very powerful that day. It whipped around the bustling bodies at a small birthday party held just off the edge of a road, pulling at people's hats and skirts.

It pushed the four small children who played tag around, seemingly helping out the tagger.

A white car pulled into the driveway, and out stepped an older woman, her hands wrapped around her bluebell purse, her sunglasses covering her warm blue eyes.

She walked around the car and opened the passenger side door, letting out a small girl, her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, her small hands grasping the edges of her bananna yellow shirt.

They walked to the stone porch, the older woman greeting her daughter with care. The young girl kept to the womans feet, her face burried in the small of her back.

The gaggle of children ran through the yard, a boy with glasses toppling his younger brother, them both bursting into a heap of laughter shortly after.

The brown haired girl pressed herself farther into her grandmother's back, fear creeping it's way into her throat.

A girl, a few inches taller than the boys, came bounding up the stairs, gasping out, "auntie, auntie! Can I open presents yet?"

The older woman giggled endlessly while her daughter quieted down the birthday girls pleas with a finger. She then gestured to the group of boys, as if to say, "go back to playing."

The girl quietly pouted and slowly stepped down the stone stairs, until her eyes landed on the quivering figure behind her aunts mother.

She tried to walk up to the girl, but she only scurried around to the other side of the smiling woman, her hands claming up.

The process happened again and again until finally the older woman intervened. " will you two stop it? Why dont you go play somewhere else?"

Seeing the new girl was terribly shy, the birthday girl calmed her eagerness, and tried a more simple approach.

She held out her hand, and a small smile graced her lips. "Would you like to play with me?"


June 12th, 2016

Two girls settled in a room on the top level of the house, their giggles echoing throughout the large houses empty hallways.

They talked about many things, their favorite boy band, their favorite color, all the times they got hurt but laughed through it. But, something slipped from the now 12 year old girl.

"Emily, I'm moving." Tears followed her statement, Emily trying to comfort her sobbing friend.

"My father finally found a girlfriend. I liked her at first, until I heard her convince my father to move to Arkansas. I'm leaving in two months."


September 13th, 2017

" Hello?"

"Happy birthday, you old grump!"

"Lex, your older than me."

"Only by six months!"

That's half a year, you doofus. "

"Em, I'm scared. My 'parents', they dont treat me like they used to when we lived up there. I do all the chores down here, and I get yelled at for rubbing the dishes the wrong way while drying them. It feels like I never get to talk to you anymore. I feel so alone."


November 4th, 2017

"What do you mean, you put her in a mental hospital!? Shes only twelve, she'll get torn apart!


"I dont care WHAT you think of me or my family, you cant pin it-"




"Of course."

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Emily... Lexi's been put in a mental facility for depression. And Kristy and Jimmy think we are the reason she slipped into depression."


December 24th, 2017

"Well, I just got the news. Lexi is still in the hospital."


"She was just announced homicidal, along with suicidal."


"Because she threatened to kill her roommate. She later said that she wanted to die."

"Well that doesn't mean anything, we say that to eachother all the time."

"But they dont know that. So they're putting her on more medication. That's all I got out of her before she hung up, telling me to never call her again. Oh, and here's the get well card you sent her way last month."

"Why do we still have it?"

"Because they sent it back with a string of curses and "dont ever contact us or Lex ever again"s."

"So, what do we do now?"

"Wait. And pray that she remembers where her true home is when this is all done."


April 2nd, 2019

I haven't spoken to my first friend in over two years. Me and Lexi were extremely close. We couldn't be separated. Until we were ripped apart. Dont ever take your friends for granted. Because one day, you could lose the only true one you have.

This chapter is dedicated to my dear and beloved friend, Alexis James Flynn Dixon. May you always hold a dear place in our hearts. And I hope that anyone who reads this joins me in praying that she will be reunited with us one day. Happy birthday, you little punk. I hope your doing well.

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